Duane Austin's 2/14 Barton
Barton Opus # 269 was installed in the Forest Theatre, Forest Park, Il. in 1928. It was originally a 2/6 with a Deluxe ( Circus Wagon ) console.
The console sits in Duane's family room. The chamber is in the basement directly beneath and speaks into the room through an open stairwell.
The left hand side of the chamber. From left to right, the ranks are: Diapason, Concert Flute, Tuba, Tibia.
In the center of the chamber are the Vox, VDO, VDO Cel, and Open Diapason
Here we see the right hand side of the chamber with the Post horn, Clarinet, and Saxophone. The Wurlitzer Diaphones are visible in the back.
On the far right are the Kinura and Orch Oboe.
Andrew Schlieter practices for the "Young Organist" competition in Milwaukee in 2000.
You can contact Duane Austinby clicking here. Please send him questions or comments about the organ.
This page created by Kurt Schlieter and last updated November 2, 1999
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