The Concord Church Pipe Organ
W. Zimmer & Sons
Opus 490
A.D. 1994
    The Concord Church pipe organ was built in 1994 by the W. Zimmer & Sons fim based in Charlotte, North Carolina.  The 2 manual, 7-rank organ has a tremendously full sound for such a small instrument.  Its specification is very flexible for an organ of only 450 pipes.  The console was rebuilt from the church's former Allen electronic organ.  The wind chests are of electric-slider type.  The bottom 7 pipes from the Prinzipal rank compose the facade.  The entire Prinzipal rank is made of zinc metal.  The chimes on the adjacent side of the chancel are also connect to the organ.  This organ is a perfect example of how a pipe organ can fit into any room (the organ chamber was a former hallway).  A Zimbelstern was added in May 1998, and dedicated on the 17th of that month.  The organ was dedicated by Scott G. Hayes, the organist of Concord Church at that time, on September 28th, 1997.  The current organist of Concord Church is Randal Farley.
8' Prinzipal
8' Gedackt
8' Dulciana
4' Octave
2' Waldflute
1 1/3' Nasat
1/2' Zimbel III
8' Gedackt
8' Viola (Dulciana)
8' Viola Celeste
4' Koppelflote
2' Doublette
Sequialter II TC
16' Bourdon
8' Octave
8' Gedackt
4' Octave
Swell to Great 8'
Swell to Pedal 8'
Great to Pedal 8'
7 ranks, 23-note chimes, zimbelstern,  Electric-slider action, 450 pipes
Picture of the organ chamber
 Picture of the organ console
 Another view of the organ from the nave
Concord United Methodist Church
109 Vermillion Street
Athens, West Virginia
 Email for more information on the CUMC pipe organ - Scott G. Hayes -

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