The Ahlborn-Galanti Angelus

  • The Ahlborn-Galanti is the Electronic Organ for Pipe Organ People (TM)

    About Tonal Design

    The Angelus has been designed to bring together distinguished pipe sounds into a cohesive and versatile classic specification capable of providing superior support for congregational singing, choral accompaniment and performance of the organ literature. ts design is based on proven pipe organ traditions which include independent Principal Choruses, a variety of German and French reeds, a properly tuned Sesquialtera, which may be combined with other pitches to create a pleasing Cornet, flutes of varied ti bre and color and the ethereal warmth of the Viole Celeste. There is no unification or borrowing!

    Above all, the sounds in the Angelus and all Ahlborn-Galanti organs originate in distinguished pipe organs which are recorded and become the actual basis for the stops in the instrument. Ahlborn-Galanti's unprecendented voicing capability via the Interactive Programmer (tm) permits detailed stop by stop, on-site tailoring (tonal finishing) to your church or room.

    For further information on Ahlborn-Galanti, call Galanti Organ Builders at 1-800-582-4466 in the United States or FAX (503)-768-4528.

    Galanti Organ Builders, Inc.6600 SW92nd Avenue, Suite 310 Portland, Oregon, USA 97223

    For sales information on the Ahlborn-Galanti line, contact Travis Koerner
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