(Background sequence - Postlude 1 - by Michael J. Starke)
The sequences contained on this page are the sole property of the artists. Alteration, reproduction, distribution or sale of any sequence without the written permission of the artist is strictly prohibited.
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Sequences by J. F. Archer (12 Preludes for Organ Op.#2)
THIS WORK, entitled "12 Preludes for Organ", and bearing the Opus Number 2, is a FREE WORK in Honor of the SACRED HEART OF JESUS, which Represents Christ’s Divine Love, Omnipresent and Eternal, Given to All, Freely and Generously, without Reserve. Glory Be to God!
This work, I believe, is a Gift from God. Therefore, it is only fitting that I should pass it on to others free of charge. This work may be performed without any royalties paid to the composer on the conditions that the composer, and more importantly, The Sacred Heart of Jesus, be mentioned and /or included in any program notes in recording or performing endeavors. The only restrictions that apply are in regards to current copyright laws are those that prohibit the user from recording, copying, distributing and/or selling this work for monetary profit.One may record, copy and/or distribute this work without receiving profit and will be in conjunction and agreement with copyright laws and regulations that protect creative productions from piracy and wanton profiteering. Any profit gained from this work should be dispensed at the discretion of the performer. Please take advantage of the information available from the United States Copyright Office if there is doubt.
J.F. Archer, Beech Grove, Indiana
Sequences by Christopher Bruce
Sequences by Don Carroll Please visit Don's Home Page!
Sequence by Nick Carter
Fantasia for Organ in G Major (BWV572) (J. S. Bach 1685-1750)
Sequence by Larrie Dee
Please visit Lenny Smith's site, New Jerusalem Music.
Our God Reigns (Leonard E. Smith, Jr. )
View the sheet music by clicking on each of the thumbnails below.
Sheet 1 Sheet 2
Sequence by Mark DeWitt
Concerto in F (Johann Walther)
Sequence by Gene Emrick
Kyrie of the Mass of St. Joseph (Gene Emrick 1929- )
Sequences by Jeff Fallen Please visit Jeff at Lamplight Music!
Christmas Variations (arr. Jeff Fallen)
Mine Eyes Have Seen The Glory (arr. Jeff Fallen)
Sequence by David Hirsch
Goldberg Variations (J. S. Bach 1685-1750)
Sequence by Wai Hoong
Let Us Break Bread Together (Afro-American Spiritual )
The Lord's My Shepherd, I'll Not Want (arr. Wai Hoong)
Sequence by Bruce Inglis Organ registration by Russell Breeding
Organ Sequence #7 (Bruce Inglis 1983- )
Sequence by Bruce Inglis
Organ Sequence (Bruce Inglis 1983- )
Organ Sequence #8 (Bruce Inglis 1983- )
Organ Sequence (Bruce Inglis 1983- )
Sequence by J. Kirschning
Jerusalem (H. Parry 1848-1918)
Sequences by the Liberty Hall Jazz Quartet
It Came Upon The Midnight Clear
Sequence by Russell Mewbourn
Organ Sequence #1 (Russell Mewbourn)
Sequence by R. Nau / J. Ting
Cannon In D (J. Pachelbel 1653-1706)
Original Arrangements by Barry L. Neufeld
The Holy City (Stephen Adams)
The Lord is my Light (Frances Allison)
Sequences by Wayne Peppercorn
Prelude and Fugue in E Flat Major Op.#18 (Wayne Peppercorn)
Toccata and Fugue in C Minro Op. #4 (Wayne Peppercorn)
Sequence by Pierre R. Schwob (Sequences Copyright - Pierre R. Schwob - by Permission)
Arioso (J. S. Bach 1685-1750)
Sequences by Anthony Scicluna
Piano Concerto No.21 in C Major (W. A. Mozart)
Piano Concerto No. 1 in Bb Minor Opus 23 (Pyotr Ilich Tchaikovsky 1840-93)
Sequence by K. Settlemyer, Jr.
Toccata and Fugue in D Minor (J. S. Bach 1685-1750)
Sequence by Stephen Simpson
Adante, Choeur de Voix Humaines (Louis Léfebure-Wély)
Air for Holsworthy Church Bells (Samuel Sebastian Wesley)
Allegretto (C.H. Lloyd - Organist at Gloucester Cathedral England until 1862)
Sequence by Jill Swift
Prelude Opus28 No. 4 (Frédéric Francois Chopin 1810-49)
Raindrop Prelude Opus28 in D Flat Major (Frédéric Francois Chopin 1810-49)
Sequence by (Unknown)
Für Elise (Ludwig van Beethoven 1770-1827)
Sequence by Peter van Coller
Lamb of God (Peter van Coller)
Sequence by Graham Walsh
Offertoire # 2 Op. 35 (Louis Lefebure-Wely 1817-1869)
Sequence by Marty Weimer
Wachet Auf, ruft uns die Stimme (J. S. Bach 1685-1750)