1956 - 2006

On a cool morning on the 11th of March 2006, Bob & Cindy Potts accompanied by Frank Pugno and Brian Wessel met at Ken's graveside in Oswego, Aurora, Illinois. They had gathered to commemorate the passing of 50 years, to the date, of the passing of Ken at only 46 years old and still at his peak in popularity as an International recording artist and an American organist, still performing regularly at the Old Heidelberg in Chicago. It was while appearing at the Old Heidelberg that Ken took ill and suffered a heart attack, which he never recovered from.

Apart from the sadness of his loss to his family and closest friends, Ken left a massive band of fans around the World who also felt the loss and the even sadder loss of what Ken could have gone on to produce had he had the time to move on with recording technology and could well have been around to  have got into the digital age, and we can but wonder what he would have done with that, when you consider that he produced his wonderful over-dubbed recordings with 1950's technology.

it is testement to the impact that Ken made in the electric organ World that not only are his records being played by his dedicated fans, be it at home or on their portable CD and mp3 players but that for the last six years the Ken Griffin Organ Society came together and have put on an annual Dedication Show where Frank Pugno and Eric Larson perform the 'Griffin Sound' to an appreciated audiance.

And so, it was on this March morning that our friends met at Ken's graveside and performed a dedicative service and played some of Ken's recordings. Ken is buried alongside his father Artie and most of the heastones here lay flat and are easily overlooked and it is through the kindness of Bryon Young that Ken's grave has now got a very pleasant plaque giving details of who Ken was. For the occassion a lovely boquette of flowers was also layed by Ken's headstone.

While the group was small on the day I know that it would have been much larger but for the fact that some members couldn't get the time off and like myself just live too far way to have made the visit economical. However, a good number of us had syncronised our thoughts and wherever we were in the World all played, at least, Ken's greatest hit record 'You Can't Be True, Dear' at the time this gathering had been arranged. Some members. like myself, played Ken's records for a while throughout that day, so once again Ken's music was being played around the World at the same time. E.G. in the U.K. Australia, New Zealand, Norway, Denmark and Belgium, not to forget the United States, where Ken's nephew, Kirby Griffin, his niece, Kay Vega and their families also gave their thoughts to Ken and played his music.

It is indeed almost impossible to think that half a century has gone by but it is also incredible that Ken has never been forgotten and for his family and fans The Melody, really does, Linger On.

Ken's Headstone                                                                          Ken's Father's Headstone


Bob Potts, Brian Wessel and Frank Pugno

Cindy & Bob Potts with Frank Pugno

The Plaque made by Bryon Young



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