The Caladonian Railway
Brechin and Bridge Of Dun

Brechin Station

Looking east towards Bridge Of Dun. Just ahead was a junction that went around the town to Forfar and Perth.

Stock at Brechin Station

Bridge Of Dun Station

Bridge of Dun. The Junction towards Brechin

The western approach into the station. The line on the right came in from the Guthrie/Perth branch and on the left from Brechin.

Steam Loco 46464

Saddle Tank Loco

LPR Saddle Tank Loco

Looking west from the eastern approach to the station

Looking East towards Dubton Junction for Montrose and to Kinnaber Jct for Aberdeen

A Sultzer Diesel Engine awaiting preservation

Bridge of Dun station and coach

Sultzer Type 2 D5314

Sultzer Type 2 D2702. The same class as D5314 but the new numbers came about with a new B.R. Stock Recording contro
system after the end of steam.  The 'D' (For Diesel) was also dropped soon after this time.

Sultzer D26035. The earlier and slightly less powerful version of the D27's. These locos were built by the Gloucester
& Birmingham Railway Works.

An Enamal Sign at Bridge Of Dun Station. Doesn't it work for anaemic boys too!

The Down Platform looking towards the junctions to Brechin and Perth via Guthrie.

Booking Office and Station Clock

The station entrance having some repairs.

You can just make out the church tower at Montrose in the distance. Just ahead of the field you come to the shore of
Brechin Tidal Basin. 



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