(29th Sept 2015)
The Arnage station site was a little dissapointing but I continued on for the final streach of my walk to Ellon. It was into late afternoon and while the sun
was still bright and the sky clear the light was getting warmer and with the Sun much lower started to give very dark shadows. I had to think about
exposures a bit more and also shutter speeds. It remained a beautiful afternoon right up until Sunset. The countryside between Arnage and Ellon
is very pleasant.
Just south of the station site. Left: The track is on the left with the path dropping down to where an over bridge had been demolished, to come level with the road crossing.
Right: The path dropping towards the crossing, with the station entrance road on the right. The track bed at higher level on the left.
There is still a station sign by the old entrance to the station from the main road.
The south side of the demolished bridge at Braemo. Right: On the south side, looking back to Arnage station site.
Left: The Ebrie Burn running southwards. Right: Scenery to the west.
A farm access over-bridge. Towards Ellon.
Left: Towards Arnage. Right: Towards Ellon.
Left: View to the north west of the track bed. Right: The embankment towards Ellon.
A perfect harvesting Day. Between Arnage and Ellon. Northwest view.
Looking along the track bed towards Arnage.
An old Mill access over bridge.
A ganger's hut.
Left: A mile post without mileage number. Right: Towards Ellon.
Left: Towards Ellon. Right: View on the west side of the track bed.
Left: Back towards Arnage. Right: Approaching the site of a demolished over bridge.
Demolished over bridge site, to the west of Inverebrie.
Left: On the main road, looking eastwards. Right: The road. Towards the east.
Left: West side o the Ex bridge with the path leading back onto the south side of the track bed. Right: Back up on the track bed heading southwards.
Around 17.00 and the sun had started to become very low giving very hard shadows and loss of light in the cuttiings and especially during the last few photos leading
up to Ellon Station.
Left: Walker, dropping down to road level by the Ex Over bridge Right: Towards Ellon.
Left: Northwards to Arnage. Right: Southwards to Ellon.
Another Ganger's hut. It's in very poor condition.
Ganger's Hut, on the Up side of the track bed. Towards Arnage.
Over bridge on the road near Cookston .
From here to Ellon the way became quite wet in places and at times may become impassible.
Farm access over bridge that leads to the A948 on the northern edge of Ellon.
A farm access bridge, to the north of Ellon. Left: South face. Right: North face of the bridge towards Ellon.
Ellon Station
ELLON STATION Photos (From Ellon To Boddam Walks)
The end of a
very long day's walking but very enjoyable. There is a good half mile
walk to the town centre and I arrived at the bus stop with just a 20
minute wait for the next
bus into Aberdeen. The walk sarted at 09.20 and I arrived at Ellon
Station at 17.43and with an Aberdeen bus due at 18.10 I arrived in
Aberdeen at 18.35 and with only
a few minutes wait for my bus back to where I was lodging, I arrived
back at 19.10, making it a full 12 hour day's outing.
Railscot: Excellent web site on Scotland's railways. Maps, photos and historical details.
Links: Kittybrewster Memories Ellon To Boddam Walks Dundee To Newtyle Incline Railway Walks Royal Deeside Railway Maud To Peterhead Cycle-Way High Peak Railway Trail Walks
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