Giz Giz, another new name to me. This was a jolly group with lots of smiles and pleasant performances
Leader of Giz Giz at the piano
The Leading lights are a really excellent group with lots of experience and enthusiasm for the parts they are playing.
This year they sang numbers from Jesus Chrite Superstar, which they were appearing in at the Aberdeen Art Centre.
From these extracts I would think that they looked and sounded even better with the correct scenrey and stage lighting.
This lad gave an excellent performance, which included a nice bit of acting along with his singing
A really excellent way of concluding the day of around six hours of live performances and further proof that there really is a pool of great talent to fuel the Tivoli once it is reopened.
Likwise, we were all taken by the amount of people who stayed the full day and listening to all the turns with such enthusiasm. This year there was more groups than individual artists,
which increased the number of single performers involved in the day's events. All had appeared in their own time and expense and showed such great enthusiasm. It also proved the
incredible job that the Steering Group planners had to organise all these people so that everything ran smoothly. A task that deserves considerable credit.========================================================================
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