AGM 97 & OPEN MEETING (Repton) Report

By Bill Reid (CRC Editor)

The Meeting, at Repton took place on Saturday 13th. of May. Secretary Pete Guy did a nice job on organising the event and the 24 members in attendance was slightly upon the previous year.

The AGM was very lively and extensive. All present officials were voted back into office, en-mass. Sheila Asquith, our Librarian, Brian`s wife, gave details on how Brian would like the Library to go and with the plans for a handbook just for Library publicity it is hoped we can encourage more members to use this worthy service (See page 6). 

Much time was spent discussing the proposals by Bert Sanders (Area 15 Co-ordinator) on closing a loophole in the Club`s constitution where, if the Club was ever to fold up, and some very `new` members may gain financially from any `monies` being shared out. Therefore Bert proposed that members MUST have five years fully paid-up subscription to qualify for any share in these monies. The new proposal will apply to members joining after the proposal is passed and that present members will not be affected. 

Personally, I would prefer that NO-ONE gained from the folding of our club and any monies left over, after all debits are covered, should be allocated to a `photographic` club/society, pre-chosen by the Executive Committee after discussion with the membership. It should be made quite clear that there is no chance of the CRC folding, at this time and Bert`s proposal was made on his personal worry over what would happen if the situation ever came about. 

Further discussion was spent on the proposal made at last year`s AGM on Club Officials` claiming expenses for their duties. Present officials don`t claim expenses for attending Committee meetings, though they do get expenses for running their office, i.e. Postage and/or paper, envelopes etc. It was  proposed that Officials should be paid a `sum` for running their offices, but none of us took this up. It was suggested, this time, that `personal` expenses should be shown so that members knew the full expense of running the club. A system was discussed on showing these expenses, while not actually making any claim. Worry was shown over what happens should a new `official` take office and claim for expenses. This could create a financial problem and also conflict with those who don`t make these claims. 


David Smith, gave an excellent talk on Tetnal RA4 papers which can be processed in their Three-bath kit either in drums or dishes. Sadly due to  problems  with the  blinds we  couldn`t  make the room fully blacked out and David was unable to give a practical demonstration. But his talk and samples of prints (colour and B&W) made for a very interesting presentation. Kits and paper was on sale with slight savings on shop prices. All our thanks, David. John and Mavis Batty, with assistance from Sheila Asquith, put on a very interesting A/V programme with two projectors and a very high quality tape cassette and amplifier. 

The first section was of the Tulips and other various flowers and shrubs on display at Keuken of Gardens in Holland. Set to Casta Diva from Norma by Bellini and sung by Monserrat Caballe we were treated to a colourful and musical experience. Pas De Deaux set to some Ballet music showing an interesting selection of Cactus and flowers. 

This was followed by "The Four Seasons" which took us through the seasons starting with Spring with some Snow Drops, Crocuses, Apple Blossom and Bluebells. Summer was represented by Boating and Cricket scenes and Misty fields, stone walls and columns leading us into Autumn and finally, Winter light with frost and snow. Another colourful presentation which was over all too soon. 

This was followed by "Ten for Ten" from Ron Croad. This was a selection of Konicachrome processed in the CRC Formula. These included scenes of Bath, Pavement art, Bristol Docks, Corfe Castle, Bovington Tank Musium, Dorset Cove, Chesil Beach and Portland Light House. 

The idea was to show that members didn`t need to own expensive A/V equipment to take part at the AGM. Simply select ten of your favourite slides and project them for a ten minute discussion. This adds greatly to the days entertainment. Think about it for next time! 

The final presentation was the Annual Slide Competition. This was won by Barry Morson of Swadlingcote, Derbyshire (Area 9) with a slide of "Yellow Roses". This was Barry`s first visit to an AGM and he hadn`t given any thought to possibly winning first prize. Congratulations Barry. He was presented with the CRC "Irish Marble" trophy, by last years winner, John Batty.

 Our thanks to all who came along.

Editorial CRCMain

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