By Kevin Craske (CRC Technical Advisor)

So just to prove that the way forward is digital imaging, another new conventional silver halide colour reversal film hits the streets!  No the good old film is not dead yet. 

In this case it is Fuji which has attracted my attention, and some of you will know that I particularly like Fuji materials so this added to my interest. 

So here I have it, a 21 page plus front and back cover of the latest glossy from Fuji entitled 'PRO- VALUE (selected information for professional photographers) and on the front is one of those 'arty' type of pictures, a close up of an oriental girl who is holding two tea spoons over here eyes. I never could understand this type of photograph! At the bottom of the page, ASTIA 100 Naturally Sophisticated Color for Imaging Professionals. 

On opening it you first read that first there was Velvia then Provia now Astia, is there some fixation with everything ending in 'ia' and so you then continue to look at the information, and of course the pretty pictures. 

The 'blurb' states there are now no casts in the shadows, skin tones are perfect capturing the glowing vital look of the skin, true colours whatever the lighting, grain is ultra fine. 

In fact, as I read through all the information, so much has been improved, highlights, lowlights, reds blues, greens tonal separation. It just goes on. I now begin to wonder, the film which I was using a few years ago must have been abysmal (I could have used other words but this is a reputable magazine) and so I dug out a few slides taken a year or so ago and five years ago. Now I liked the colours then, and I still like the colours. The grain, the reds, blues, greens tonal range all o.k. What are theses improvements. 

It has to be said that there are improvements, but are they significant to users such as us. I would suggest that we are a bit more discerning perhaps, than some, as we are a little more involved with photography than some people, but are we that involved. Of course, we always want the best but do we have to define acceptable as against the best? 

I continued to read through the brochure not being at all distracted by the pictures if the girls and then I came to the last page and the inside back cover. Here I was presented with a graph and then a lot of information which was obviously penned by an estate agent. 

You have all seen a house described as 3bds  4rcp  ht cd run wt fh  well Astia 100 has ICG and FTS and SUFG and AGC and MFIL and ESS. I kid you not, that is the information as per the brochure and it stands for Interlayer-effect Controlling Grain Technology, Fine-tuned Spectral Sensitivity Technology,  Super Uniform Fine Grain Technology, Accurate Gradation Control Technology, Multi-functional Intermediate Layer Technology and Enhanced Emulsion-layer Stabilizing Technology. There! Is your life now enriched. I have just thought that someone sat down and thought that lot up. I think it all means that its supposed to be a good film. 

Is this film the greatest thing since sliced bread? Well first of all I would not recommend that you put a slice of bread in your camera, it has terrible grain and is only in white or sepia qualities. Seriously, I think that all films are now down to personal preferences. I would further back this up by the way Fuji has tried to persuade us to use the film.  Its way over the top.  Yes, it may well be interesting to learn about the technology of a film and yes we may well be interested in the philosophy behind the film. No film is going to be perfect so the thinking behind potential market that the film is aided at is important. But when we have to dream up all these acronyms, I just give up.

What's the conclusion? Nice one Fuji but ill just purchase a roll and see if I like it, as for the brochure, I like the picture on outside back cover (or was it just a Fuji logo).
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