By Ernie  (Southern Photographic Federation) 

When one can no longer blame the Processing Lab for those out of focus shots that are returned from what was thought to be one with all 36 capable of scoring 10s. It is time to take drastic action. A visit to the local camera shop does not help "Yes sir we can get you one but we need to order it if you know the Dioptic value". A visit to the optician had taken place only a few weeks previous (a company perk) so I looked up on the prescription for the magical figure. Now came the Camera Club Challenge, does the offset in the camera need to be taken into account when obtaining the correction lens value or does the value of the correction lens already take this into account? Equally divided opinions. Seeing that I belong to Club Canon I phoned them up. They still offer a Correction Lens Service where one can loan the full set and find the one which does the job. The prayers of an out of focus photographer answered. 

Accompanying the Booking Form was a Photostatted article on the loan sceme plus general information but the last paragraph cast doubts on whether I should bother or not, but seeing the cost was negligible I decided to go ahead. 

That doubting paragraph said that standard correction lenses may not be the answer as it has been surveyed but only 10% of photographers. I am pleased to say that I was one of the 10% and now that I have it fitted and can see what I take is what I get back from the lab. Those 36 shots all crisp and sharp are not scoring 10s it has to be blurred and out of focus now. I am ready and waiting for the vogue to return, my only hope is that my correction lens does not get  lost in that period.

DX Raises it's Ugly Head For Bulk Film Users Editorial CRCMain

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