Since the introduction Of E6 process and phasing out of E4 process and its compatible film plus other set backs which we had no control, fortunes of the C.R.C. have been rather shaky to say the least That sithatibn pluss pressures of work upon our then Sec/Chairman, Brian Savage, protrApted him to call a meeting of all Area Leaders as well as Executives of the Club. It was agreed that prompt action was needed to revitalise the Club, A full committee was duly formed from volunteers present as a caretaker committee untill an annual General Meeting could be called to ratify appointments.

The Executive Committee have met twice since that first meeting and a lot of dialogue was exchanged in an endevour to put the Club back on an even ‘and progressive keel. We have made mistakes, we have run up one or two blind allys and we have had our misunderstandings, but the experience has been invaluable and I feel sure that the club will benefit in the long run.

I am pleased to see that our present executive committee are a band of dedicated enthusiastic who spare no effort or expense in getting the job done. I would like to take this opportunity of extending to them my personal heartfelt thanks for doing a first class job.0 I would earnestly implore you to give them your full support especially in the rather sensitive subject of subscriptions. You may or not be aware that your subscriptions are due on the 1st of April each year end I have no doubt that you will be dismayed to , hear that far too many are not received until as late as October or November. This means that in .the past there have been hundreds of pounds floating around the country preventing our much harassed treasurer from balancing his books. I cannot emphisise to much how important it is In the interests of the Club administration to get your subs in as soon as possible.

The C.R.C. is unique in the realms of photography. A band of dedicated weighers and mixers and kitchen sink processors make it so. There is no other club like it in existence. This I hope will give. you a sense of belonging and a fierOe senàe of loyalty in protecting it’s interests, and to going all out onto the highways and byways and recruit members who will help to maintain the high standards of a Gentle persons Cub for Gentle persons. 

In conclusion I would like to mention the fact that discussions with Bill Reid, editor of our Newsletter, could bring about some changes in our newsletter. You might call’ it a new look but I think a greater Interest in your newsletter. There is no doubt that the newsletter is the C.R.C. without it there would be no Club. It is our vehicle for public relations, information and the belonging that I have already mentioned, and it’s editor is the key to it all with one of the most vital jobs in the whole shooting match. I would ask you to support your’ editor in every way possible and feed him any information that you may think will be of interest to the membership.

If you have any specialised knowledge, and articles on the subject for publication would be gratefully appreciated. Perhaps there are some volunteers who would act as Area correspondence on a regular basis, keeping us informed on the activities of their area, who knows, ‘think about it, it is our Club and will only be as good as the effort you put into it. I am sorry that we wont be able to allow you any expense account, but I am sure that you will agree that you expect to ‘spend money on a hobby and~ not to expect a profit out of it.

Bert Sanders.

Secretary's Comments Editorial CRCMain

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