C.R.C National Executive Committee Meeting

Worcester 1st March 1986 

The meeting was opened with a long report on financial matters. The first item discussed was a clarification of what expenses were claimable by Area Leaders and Committee members. It was decided, unanimously, that only those expenses arising directly from C. R. C. business, such as postage, stationery, circular distribution, etc. would be claimable. No claims by Committee members for travel to meetings, petrol, use of film, etc would be allowable. It was felt that such activities were part of the hobby of belonging to the C. R. C. Club, and that members should finance themselves. 

The present financial state of the Club shows a bank balance of £632.74, which does not allow a lot of room for manouvers, There are now 220 members in, the C. R. C. who have paid their subscriptions for 1985/86 and the present time is when the 1986/87 subs. Should start rolling in. Area Leaders are urged to get these subscriptions to the Membership Secretary as soon as possible.  

Editor agreed to forgo his request for a new typewriter and to have the present machine serviced after the next newsletter is produced.  

A long look was taken at our at our affiliation to the Institute of Amateur Cinematographers, which cost £14 50. The affiliation was taken out to protect members against copyright prosecution from audio-visual shows. After some legal advice the Committee found that there was no cover at, all. There seems little use in remaining affiliated. 

Bob Lewis, the Membership Secretary, has now put all members names on his computer. This will simplify the keeping of records, and with co-operation from the Treasurer, mean less work when the subs are renewed. It was decided’ to allocate a number to each member and these numbers will be passed to the Area Leaders.

There was some discussion over a flat rate subscription. It was generally agreed that the subscription would remain at £350 for 1986/87. If any Area requires sub-charge, then the Membership Secretary would inform any new members when they applied for mem­bership. It was decided that a new subscription rate should be implemented for husband and wife, this would be at £5 for the joint payment. 

There was also some discussion about the future of Area 12, which collapsed after the Area Leader withdrew. No new leader has been found and existing ‘members have been transferred to Area 13. It was stated that it was perfectly in order for any of the Area 12 members to join any other Area of their choice. Kevin Craske, was in Area 12 and is still keen to continue as a Club Technical Adviser. He traveled 330 miles to attend the Committee meeting which shows the enthusiasm of the members we have. 

There was general discussion of Ron Knowles’s offer to become Editor Consultant. It was considered that such a post was not needed and one which could interfere with the way the present Editor runs the Newsletter. 

Samples of Les Cook’s publicity work were discussed and it was generally thought that the present C. R. C. logo would be good, if sharpened up. ‘Les is to be asked to obtain estimates for new stationery, Newsletter headings, publicity handouts and membership forms. The Committee were unanimous in praising the efforts Les has put in, and, hopes •that the work will help to get the club on is feet once more. 

Ron Croad.
Honary Secretary.

Open Meeting (1986) Report Editorial CRCMain

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