Greeley's Ultima (Comment).

If you enjoy black and white photography and printing, I urge you to try this formula.

Like so many other weighers and mixers, my darkroom shelves contain a wide assortment of photographic chemicals.

Like me, you probably are curious and a bit of a perfectionist (there is nothing wrong in that) and are searching for the perfect formula.

Up until now my black and white prints looked OK , but, I was never absolutely happy with them. I say up until now, because the formula printed in the last CRC magazine gave me the best prints I have ever achieved and with the greatest of ease.

The Ilford FP4 negatives at 125 ASA allowed me, for the first time, to use split grade printing on VC paper with a degree of success I used to only see in magazines.

Used at the advised times and temps the formula produced negatives that look nothing like the thin 2 bath examples I have seen/produced before (unless you reduced the film speed), they look 'normal'!

Go on give it a try, you will be pleased you did so.

I really appreciate it when members share their ideas and successes with their colleagues, after all that is what the CRC is about, isn't it.

I look forward to seeing the 'X' version that is under development (sorry for the pun).

I just wish there had been a full name for the author printed with the article.

All the best to everyone in CRC.

                                                                                                            Dennis O'Connor Area 22.

Editor’s comments: With apologies to Alan Greeley, please note that Alan’s name does appear on the second page (page 8). The two pages were designed to appear side by side but got separated on the final make-up of the CRCN. The use of higher grade paper dictates where the pictures go, in the magazine.


THE FINAL WORD From Brian Asquith……

I see Konica have brought out a new 100 asa film. Latest technology etc. Will the Club be getting it? Will the old! stuff still be available?

Just tried two rolls of Kodak new film given with the A.P. ——. The first roll was very magenta. The second more acceptable, vivid colour, more like Fuji but it is very sharp. i.e. more contrasty. Trade processing! Konica developed in the L.E. Formula is better, so have doubts about New Emulsion!!

Editorial CRCMain

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