With Ron Knowles

During the early part of the war I was stationed just outside Birmingham at Castle Bromwich aerodrome and with a free day just after Christmas I decided to go into the City to see my favourite artist, Jack Buchanan, in pantomime. One of the popular songs of the day was called - The Best Things In Life Are Free - a pleasant melody and strangely significant words, which have remained in my memory right through the years.

These words were recalled recently during a processing session and up popped an exceptionally simple idea which, surprisingly, has never struck me before. 

The “trick” is to float the developing tank in a. bowl of water at the temperature appropriate to the process being used. But that is nothing new, you say. So hold on, I say. That’s the start. The IDEA then grew out of nothing, you might say. So it did. So what is it, you say, It’s the Twizzle, I answer. Yes the Twizzle. 

Having got your tank floating comfortably you grip the rim and give a quick clockwise twist from the far side of the bowl and Hey presto you’ve got yourself into a brand new game. And what’s more it’s one you are bound to win - since there’s only you playing! So what’s the point? The point is that this tip is not so stupid as it might sound. You will find your film will have constant and efficient agitation and you yourself will find the developing time passing so much more quickly for I now explain the competitive element. You are of course, playing against yourself so there are no complicated rules to remember. Simply count the seconds before the tank comes to rest. 

To give you something to aim at my record to date is 38 seconds playing from corner to corner. The playing area’ is 14” x 13” giving a distance from corner to corner of 16”. 

Eric Weatherill, Leader of Area 11 airs a grievance regarding a flying display at RA.F. Fillingley where he says spectators were herded into a compound facing SOUTH and of course looking into the light. Obviously this is the worst possible outlook for the spectators and is even worse for the guy trying to get good pictures.

I have only limited experience at air shows (aircraft recognition, I must confess, was never my strongest help to getting, that extra stripe, but it would certainly seem that the organisers at Fillingley ignore or are unaware of the need for spectators to be considered for a friend of mine, Roy Johnson also of Area ii confirms the thoughtless sighting of the compound at Fillingley. 

I can well understand the frustration of these aircraft enthusiasts and certainly, in the case of Roy, who showed me his results and asks if there are any ployographic competitions solely for silhouettes. Of course, there isn’t an answer other than contacting, the organisers and pointing out the futility of the compound sighting. If this fails to move the viewing area to a more satisfactory spot then I’m wondering if the photo-enthusiast wouldn’t just “lose his way” and find himself on the South side - looking North.

Here And There (Two) Editorial CRCMain

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