ISSUE No. 36 NEWSLETTER January 1985






















As usual this issue reaches you when all the festivities are over and another year has begun. However, we hope that along with meeting up with all the members of your family and friends and enjoying the festive cheer, you weren’t sluggish from too much goggle box viewing to bring out your camera and flash units for a family record and that before too late you shall get some processing done. 

I mentioned in a previous Newsletter how expensive our hobby seems to get each year and it regreted that in the last few weeks we will have suffered some hefty price rises in both film and chemical kit stock. However commercial films and processing charges are to go up equivently so I suppose home processing will-still work out the cheapest way of getting the larger use of films that C. R. C. members tend to use compared to the general photographer. On checking through the photographic mags it would appear that shops under the PHOTOTEC CENTRE name appear to have the edge on cheapness as regards bulk rolls of Barfen CRX100, £32.95 for a 30m roll as against the general £43 plus. Postage is £2.50, but as this is the maximum it would pay to send for other items at the same time. As most of us don’t require such a large roll, it would pay to get a few members together and save this way. 

Barfen have come up with a couple of interesting items which may interest you is a READMIX four bath kit. The four chemicals are ready for use and come in 300m1 bottles, I find, you pay for the convenience at £7.50 (free postage). Along with this comes the FLEXELAB a combined insulated unit that will take the four bottles of the Ready-mix kit, plus the developing tank. Of course the unit comes all in with bottles and tank. For those without a temperature control this could be the answer to more constant results. It costs £29.95 (post free). 

I’m pleased to see Roy Salmons of Photoworld advertising his 7 bath Economy Kit. Along with this is a new 3 bath kit which people like Bob Lewis and myself look on with some suspicion. However, the proof is in the trying and it would be interesting to give it a try. Would members please NOTE that there is a special offer of £1 off either of these two kits and the forms dated until 31st of December. However, this is an error and you can take advantage of the offer until the 31st of January 85. 

It is hoped to hold an Open Meeting at Didcot in May. It is too early to be able to give a definite date, but most likely around the last week. All details will be given in the April Newsletter. please give some thought to this and let me know if you could attend and if you have a programme of slides or a talk on your particular subject. 

We have had quite a good year Club wise and I would like to thank all Area Leaders for their support and especially people like Eric Weatherill, Bob Lewis, George Sparkes, Reg Long and. Ron Knowles who have been really excellent in their active support with meetings such as at Lincoln and Worthing and in keeping me supplied with much welcome copy for the Newsletters when at times it has been in short supply. 

With plenty of interesting peop1e doing excellent work around the Areas and as Ron Knowles mentions in his article, it would be nice to hear from more of you who tend to keep things to yourselves. The Newsletter is your gateway to exchanging news and views on any photographic interest and others will appreciate hearing from you, so please in the coming season, do try to jot something down to send to your editor who will welcome anything additional to fill these pages. 

With that the Central Committee of the C. R. C. would like to send you EVERY BEST WISH f or the New Year and with the hope that this coming season will be a very Rewarding one for your photography and home processing.


Secretary's Report CRCMain

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