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Over my dead body will that bit of silver leave Swansea”. I hear. Well, of course, the decision must come from the Area 15 members . That’s both their right and privilege. The members down there knew Will better than I. And I apologise for having upset the Swansea applecart. Of this I had no intention of so doing. Honest I hadn’t. 

But I reserve my right to write, with honesty, as I see a situation. That in turn, is both my right and. privilege.  

From my interpretation of the Rule likely to be adopted at the A .G .M. regarding the, subscription for membership of the C.R.C. it would seem that, providing the Central Fund gets it’s whack of £1.50 per member, each Area can decide its own Subscription Rate. IS that not so? Frankly this just won’t do. And why? Very simple. The future of the Club, surely, must rely on increased membership. Again, is’ that not so? But without a FIXED membership fee how, tell me how, is the newly-appointed Publicity Officer to conduct an advertising campagne? What use is a membership application form, which fails to state what the cost is to join? 

Quite obviously there has to be a fixed amount for membership of the C.R.C. be it the present £3.50 or raised by as little as 50p to £4., which has been put tome from several quarters and which, I must say, seems fuI1y justified and not excessive. 

Areas which  have additional facilities, meeting rooms etc which have to be paid for, would then make their own arrangements to meet the additional costs. 

Swansee and Middlesburgh are cases in point where meeting rooms, projectors and affiliation fees have to be found. There can obviously be no objections t these Areas asking their members for the extra where-with-all to pay for these facilities which can do nothing but further the enjoyment of their hobby. 


Gradually I have been browsing ‘through a few letters Area Newsletters from the, reasonably,, past.

One of the first was from Eric Clark, Area 17 Leader - an area which has but three members, including Eric himself - but amazingly Eric still manages to produce an interesting and chatty newsletter despite a series of Set-backs early this year when he suffered several heart attacks - not to mention a cardiac arrest. I haven’t heard from Eric for a while but hope sincerely that he is progressing well and that the dark-room improvements he was tackling when his health interfered have now been completed and he is sufficiently recovered to once again enjoy some processing sessions. 

Another Leader, Beg Long of Area 19, whose letter to me in September last year indicated that he too, had been having health problems and was in fact, at that time awaiting a heart by-pass operation. By now I hope that traumatic experience is behind him and, further, that the operation was a cornplete success. Like Eric he, too, managed to turn out a readable Newsletter - in spite the difficulties occasioned by below-par, health. 

It’s people like these, and there are others I know, who, through sheer dedication, have kept the Club alive. I salute them all. 

Also from the past October last year, in fact - I find something more than a little disturbing. George Sparkes of Area 22 mentions a chat he had with the Manager of Rayco Ltd , who indicated he would be happy to pack one of our leaflets with any orders they dispatched. 

I myself received a box of chemicals from Rayco Ltd. (chemicals which Oliver doesn’t stock!) but there wasn’t a C.R.C. leaflet enclosed. This is something which our new publicity officer might well follow up. And I wonder, did Rayco Ltd. Ever receive the leaflets?

Here & There (3) Editorial CRCMain

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