With Ron Knowles

One of the Colour Reversal Club’s liveliest outfits must be way up there in Middlesbrough, where Area Leader, Peter Calvert is for ever on the alert to publicise the C. R. C. as well as make certain his own members are well catered for in the way of as many regular local meetings as possible are arranged. 

In a letter to me he says. “…in furtherance of our publicity drive I got wind of the ‘Cleveland Arts’ setting up a directory of ‘Camera Club’s’ and sets out the facts of the C. R.C. That it is a countrywide organisation for photographer interested in processing their own colour films, pointing out that Area 4 covers the whole of the North - East area. Processing chemicals are mixed at the Club at cost price. Membership fees are £3.50 per year, which included the National Newsletter. NEW MEMBERS ARE WELCOME. 

Peter goes on to point out, in his own Newsletter, the proposed programme for the coming months mainly informal get-togethers on the first Thursdays of the month - though with a holiday break in August when their meeting room “The Settelment” is closed. 

Is it not good to see such dedicated enthusiasm from an Area Leader like Peter? One can but hope that his efforts bear fruit and that a few new members join his merry band. Certainly I offer my sincere hope that his individual publicity campagne doesn’t fall on “barren soil”. Which is not altogether inappropriate as I happen to know that Peter is a farmer in his spare time. 

Unfortunately Peter ends on a sad note as he records the death of Jack Prier of Stockton who had been a staunch supporter of the Club over many years. As Peter says “His cheerful face will be greatly missed at future meetings...” I’m sure all our members will join me in offering our sincere sympathy to Jack’s family and his many friends. 

Yes, Reg Long, Leader of Area 19 has been experiencing both sides of life down there in Sunny (?) Worthing ~ Let’ take the brighter side first Rag has been having Angina trouble for some time .but the latest news is that he is feeling if not exactly well - at least improved. He can now, he says, walk a mile or so without too much discomfort Says Rag “ I have two nerves in my heart instead of one which causes that to do a double-beat. Nice sense of humour has our Reg. “Funny” says he “It’s taken 65 years for this to show up... despite having lived at 40mph. So take heed of the speed limit laws in future old son. But it’s nice to know that the tablets are keeping the trouble in check. 

Just to keep life interesting, though, Reg had part of the roof of his dark-room blown off in a gale, had his chemicals frozen up and his projector has been ‘playing lip’. All this, of course, has been happening. during this dreadful winter and Spring. Like most of us Reg has hardly set foot in his darkroom. In fact, again like most of us old - Eric, it’s been a long period of near-hibernation. Still it’s good to know you ‘r improving Reg, and hopefully the tablets will continue to maintain that improvement. 

May 1 offer my plaudits to Mr. & Mrs. C. M. Pearle of Area 13 for their highly original Cibachrome Filter Finder described in such -detail in the April issue of the National Newsletter. 

This, it seems to me, to be such a simple, but obviously completely efficient and workable idea as to merit consideration as a worth-while marketable commodity. To me anything that can give help with regard to the filtration in colour printing has got to be inestimable value. For I’m sure I’m not alone in experiencing the utter frustration in deciding the filter pack needed in certain circumstances. Would not this simple assembly work just as well with the slide to be printed IN PLACE? Thus, giving the FINAL pack required for any particular transparency?   

Here And There (Two) Editorial CRCMain

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