LIBRARIAN'S REPORT (From Brian Asquith)

I am of the opinion that the Club Library is of not much use to the membership. The material in it is for the DIY side of the photography magazines, books and pamphlets. I see our membership consisting of 90% kit users if they do DIY at all. 
A lot more are into digital and can get all the information they require via the net — and they don’t have to pay the postage — which did not help the Library, for a book the postage could be £2.50 each way. You could nearly buy the book for that!
So with only one customer this year I feel it’s a good facility which has had its day and no longer of any use to the members. My job doesn’t really exist. Sorry for such a down beat report.(See Library List on page 10).


Last year saw the publication in CRC News of pictures taken from slides recently circulated in the CRC Folios. We have to thank the Editor of the News, Bill Reid, who has been a member of the Folio from its early days, for the selection of slides for publication.
I was most disappointed that all the publicity for the Folio failed to produce a single recruit. Have we been flogging a dead horse?
On a happier note — membership was ten throughout the year. This is the figure regarded by me and others to be the lowest for the successful running of the Folio. In a previous year we did however survive when membership dropped to an all time low of nine.
But the future is not so rosy. Unless new members are forthcoming, the number in the Folio could fall, sooner rather than late
r, to a non viable level because of natural wastage in a body of people including several getting on in years.


The Film Sales are dismal, having only sold 6 films (30m) since April 2002. This accounts for £218. As Kodak refuse any dealer who spends less than £50,000 per year with them, we are lucky to still have a dealership (with Konica). That may change in August when Konica is amalgamating with Minolta; one doing materials, the other cameras.
Stock is low and I now order when film is required. This helps to keep it in date. We have £320 in the Bank and a 30m tin in hand.
I think that unless more members buy we might as well pack it up. Sorry to be so gloomy but I have over the years put in a lot of work on the sales, and only ever bought our own Konica film — transparency and negative. I think they compare with any on the market.


The effect of the members no longer using ‘traditional’ processing is evident. Time and changing practices by many photographers are catching up with us. Chemical sales for the last year were about half of those for the year before.
Is the Chemicals Service still useful to members? It seems that there are no longer enough members still weighing and mixing to maintain the service. I have asked the Committee to consider the future need.
From: “Dave Randall” <Frogs. Island©>
To: “roysalmons” <>
Sent: 06 May 2003 15:31
Subject: AGM

Dear Roy,
I am so pleased that members understood that my intentions were simply to endorse a more open-minded atmosphere in the Club. In fact 1 think Bill Reid, our Editor, has already set out this more balanced view concerning new technology in his article on page 6. I applaud his response, in which he even-handedly reminds us that we should all give each other the courtesy of a basic ‘freedom of speech’. Better still, he then goes on to demonstrate how he combines the new systems available to get the best possible results. Thanks Bill, you showed your concern for our collective welfare by putting a lot of effort into your ‘LOST TOUCH, RESPONSE !‘ article, and I feel that immediately and responsibly you used editorial influence in a proper way to guide us toward a more balanced view.

I was concerned that I had made a proposal with wording that would not be acceptable to everyone, but then I said to myself, ... “To hell with it, .. . someone has got to make a bid for sanity I”
I am grateful that members saw through the words to the intention behind them.

Whatever transpires it cannot be worse than the ‘Inquisitional Dark Ages’ heading that the Club appeared to be on. Let us hope that we can now continue to use our Dark Rooms together with any further ideas and technology without the fear that we will be branded ‘heretics, and have our membership terminated.
Very Best Regards to Everyone, from Dave Randall CRC 3+ Kings Lynn, Norfolk.

Thanks for all your work on our behalf Roy. You may copy this to Bill Reid and other Members as you fee! is appropriate.]

Secretary's Report Editorial CRCMain

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