Committee members present: N. Williams (Chairman), R. Salmons (Secretary), Mrs. M. Salmons (Treasurer), N. Dean.

1. Apologies were received from Brian Asquith, Bill Brown, John Buchan, J. H. Bowness, Arthur Corner, Ron Croad, Geoff Lowe, John Pearle, Rita Pearle, Colin Powell, Dave Randall, Bill Reid, Brian Savage, Frank White, Glyn Willicombe, Gwen Willicombe.

2. The Minutes of the 2001 AGM have been published in the CRC News (July 2001). To
be taken as read: proposed by Mike Puttick, Seconded by David Lewis. Carried.

3. There were no matters arising.

4. Reports were read from Club Officers. There was no financial statement available as the current Treasurer had not received the Club books etc from the previous Treasurer. This led to a circumlocutory discussion ending in one member suggesting that if Kevin Craske felt dissatisfied with the situation, perhaps he should resign (no seconder to such a proposal, therefore not voted upon) and another suggesting that to get over the obvious impasse the Club be wound up and another started in its place. Proposed Noel Dean, Seconded Bill Broadhurst. Carried 7 to 3. This seemed to clear the impasse and Noel proposed that his proposal be deleted, but as this had already been voted upon this was considered impossible. To sum up, Kevin Craske said that his wife had thought (erroneously) that the Club accounts had already been transferred to the new Treasurer, but as this had not happened he could see no reason why the books should not now be handed over to the new Treasurer. It was decided to continue with the AGM rather than abandon it, only to have to have another within weeks should the winding up proposal be defeated by the membership.

5. Election of Officers: It was proposed by J. H. Bowness that the following be elected en bloc - Chairman N. Williams; Secretary R. Salmons; Treasurer Mrs. M. Salmons; News Editor/Membership Secretary W. D. Reid; Film Sales R. Croad; Chemical Sales J. Pearle; Librarian B. Asquith; Technical Officer L. Edwards; Committee Member N. Dean. Seconded by Bill Broadhurst. Carried 7 to 1 with 2 abstentions.

6. Dave Randall’s Proposal: “Bearing in mind that this proposer does not have a digital camera, is not looking to discard his current hard-won (film) camera and lens systems, and is not intending to part with his own precious reversal slides, ancilliary equipment or darkroom facility, I propose that censorship of ideas concerning digital photography is no longer encouraged and the Club is allowed to evolve in a natural way in order to eventually provide as much expertise in the field of digital photography as it has shown itself to have in chemical processes; evolving into a club that photographers of all persuasions will continue to be proud of: knowing that they will always have access to 1) freely shared knowledge and expertise in every field of photographic endeavour and 2) the friendship of individuals that continue to actively help each other in the pusuit of excellence.” 
This was not seconded and therefore not voted upon. It was considered that with a slight change in the wording to avoid any possible suggestion that censorship had taken place, the proposal expressed perfectly what the Club was all about and should be reconsidered at a later date.

7. Any other business. Kevin Craske decided it was time he and the Club parted company and he therefore announced his resignation and left the building. The members of the Committee present, together with any member who wanted to join in the discussion, decided that in view of the fact that Noel Dean’s proposal could not be rescinded, it should be recommended that the Club continue as heretofore and that the Secretary should include this in the voting slip to members.

The meeting was declared closed by the Chairman.

Library, Folio, Film & Chemicals Repot Editorial CRCMain

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