By John Salter(Area9)

 I use Konicachrome (which is sold at a bargain price to members of the CRC) and rate it at 75ASA instead of 100. My tests show that eight films may be processed in 300ml of solutions, which are usually done two at a time, back to back. As succeeding films are processed, small quantities of a 10% solution of Sodium hydroxide are added to the colour developer to counteract any increase in magenta. 

Processing Schedule

C)Presoak at 36C - 1 min (until  temp in tank is 35C) 

First Dev. at35C (see chart; continuous agitation) Wash at36C -2 mins (plastic tube from bucket) 

Colour Dev. at 35C (see chart; add Sodium, hydroxide if necessary) Rinse at 36C - 1 min at least (7 water changes from a jug) 

Blix at 35C (see chart; very vigorous agitation)

Wash at36C - 4 mins minimum (tube &bucket)

Stabiliser at35C -1 minute.

The chart  below is pretty self-explanatory, with films processed in singles up to the maximum recommended - eight in 300ml. The second column is the number of drops of 10%solution of sodium hydroxide added to the colour developer for each succeeding film. The other three columns give the times in minutes in 1st Dev., Colour Dev., and Blix respectively.

No of       No. of                        First              Color        Blix
Films       Drops                      Dev.               Dev.

1               0                                8                     6.5            10
2               1                                8.5                  6.75          10.5
32                                               9                                      11
43                                               9.75               7.25           11.5
54                                              10.5                7.5             12.5
66                                              11.75              7.75           13.5
79                                              13.25              8                14.5
820                                            16                   8.25           15.5

Times in minutes  number of drops in Col. Dev. First Dev. critical Colour Dev. & Blix times can be much longer. Film rated at 75ASA.

Prices  and sizes

600ml (Complete kit)                                -                                £15.99
1200ml (Complete kit)                              -                                £21.99
5 Litre (Devs only)                                   -                                £39.99

Universal Bleach-Fix 15 litres £39.99

These are suggested retail prices and could therefore be discounted by several shops.


Photo Colour Printing 85 Editorial CRCMain

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