A meeting of the Central Committee took place in Worcester on Saturday 16th. November 1985. Those present were: Colin Powell. Hon. Treasurer, Bill Reid. Hon. Mem. Sec/Editor and Brian Savage. Hon. Secretary/Chairman. Area 1l Area Leaders had been invited and in attendance were: Ron Croad. (Deputising for Oliver Barron.) Area 20, Bob Lewis. Area 9, George Sparkes. Area 22, Eric Weatherill, Area  11 and Bert Saunders. Area 15.Apologies re received from Kevin Craske, Hon. Tech. Advisor. Eddie Pearce’. Hon. Librarian. Reg Long. Area 19. and Oliver Barron. Area 20. 

Financial Report. 

Colin Powell gave a brief report, noting that the total Central funds stood at £1288.58 to date. (this included both current and deposit accounts). Some aspects of financial control were discussed and it was agreed that: (1) There should be two signatures on cheques drawn on Central funds - one of which to be that of the treasurer.

(2) Only the treasurer would deposit funds into Central fund accounts. 

Problems associated with receiving Central funds from the Areas was discussed, There had been some confusion in some cases in the past as to which financial year some contributions referred. It was agreed that the Central fund levy at hand from subscriptions received be remitted to the Club Treasurer by 31st July each year and any remainder from late subscriptions, new members etc. no later than the end of February before the end of each financial year. 

Vaccancy for Publicity Officer. 

The Editor reported that he had successfully recruited Lea Cook. of  Denton. Lancs. M34 1RT. to be Hon. Publicity Officer. After some discussion, it. was agreed that Les be asked to produce a suitable publicity, programme with an estimate of the cost, The Treasurer would then make available central funds on approval...of the  programme. 

George Sparkes gave details of how Area 22 publicised itself making use of publicity by affiliation to the local Kingston Arts Council and KINGTEL viewdata system terminals in local public libraries. 

Bert Saunders strongly recommended that CRC be incorporated into the Photographic Federation and Photographic Alliance system of Great Britain. Cost of this would be £6 per Area plus £0.50p per member. Members would then be eligible to. apply for awards of photographic prowess of similar prestige to that of ARPS. 

Membership Secretary’s Report. 

Bill reported that the club membership .appeared to be stable at between 250-300. The exact number was difficult to determine because of lack of information from some Areas. It was agreed that Bob Lewis would take over this position of membership secretary as from this meeting. He undertook to review the recording of the membership and it was hoped that details could be kept more accurately and up to date, with the aid of Bob’s computer. Membership cards and a membership number was also discussed and may be introduced in due course. A discussion at some length followed on ways of reversing the downward trend in membership. It was agreed that publicity of the Club’s activities and services was badly needed. It was hoped that the appointment of our new publicity officer would provide this. 

Report Of Committee Meeting (2) Editorial CRCMain

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