From Alan Greeley (Area 3+)

Dimezone S 1 gram
Metol 1.25 grams
Sodium Sulphite (anhyd) 25 grams
Potassium Metabisulphite 5 grams
Water to 250 ml

Potassium Carbonate (anhyd) 25 grams
Potassium Bromide 3 grams
Water to 250 ml

Take 15 ml A and 15 ml B make up to tank capacity.
In my case this is 225 ml. If your tank is larger, adjust developing time or quantities of A and B accordingly. 

Process for 7 minutes at 75º F

I give constant agitation for the first 30 secs then 3 inversions at every 30 secs thereafter. My processing time gives me fully graded negatives when copying, which is what I use Tech Pan for: outdoor subjects may require altering the processing time.

Water rinses then normal fix.

Dimezone S has an orange colour and the made up developer also takes on a slightly similar hue. The persistence of the colour requires thorough rinsing of the film and utensils to ensure its complete removal.

Keeping the alkali in separate solution and the addition of acid in A should give this developer an excellent shelf life. By making it a one-shot developer, it should remain absolutely consistent throughout its working life. I’ve been using it for several months and it has always produced first class enlarging negatives with Kodak Technical Pan, which incidentally are virtually grain free and of high definition.


 Albert Raymond Editorial CRCMain

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