You’ve Met ’Em ..........

Bill Broadhurst (Area 3+)

“Are you taking some pictures then?”
You are set up with camera, tripod, gadget bag and all, and Johnny Knowall comes across to you, “I say, you’ll get a better one over here. Come on and I’ll show you.”

How do they always know that you will get a better one? How do they always know better than you just what it is you want? I have been set up ready to do a flower portrait, just waiting a few seconds for the cloud to move over and I have been pestered to go and see “a lovely flower over the other side of the garden.” By the time I get rid of such nuisances the light has gone altogether.

The classic was at a stately home when I was accosted by a very earnest lady. I had chosen my viewpoint and again was waiting for the sun to slant across a wall and bring out the texture when “I was given a lovely camera for my birthday. It takes beautiful pictures.” (All by itself?) And to cap it all, “Is that one of those they call a Box Brownie?” A Box Brownie indeed! It was my much cherished Yashica 124 getting an outing. The real rub is that no-one will buy a Yashica 124 from me, and is therefore only of use to me who wishes to use it, but a Box Brownie in collectable condition now is no doubt worth a small fortune.

Does anyone have a stock of off-putting remarks to repel such attacks?


Mamiya 300 Response Editorial CRCMain


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