
The 1990 A.G.M. & Open Meeting took place on Sunday 13th May, at the B.R. Staff Club, Didcot. After a very lively AGM with plenty of reaction from the `floor` the days events got underway. As there was no `set` programme each slide presentation and A/V began as equipment was put together.

After a couple of `faulse` starts, Tony Chuter (Area 17) had to hand over to Ron Croad to start things off. Ron really has got his W&M and processing down to a fine art, and we enjoyed numerous bold and colourful 3M slides taken around Holy Island, Bamburgh Castle, Warksworth castle and the Beamish Folk Musium.

This gave Tony time to find the fault with his A/V equipment. Proves how easy it is to get caught out! A brand new battery had failed to work. With a replacement we were then given a picturesque and very informative A/V round Southampton and Portsmouth, the most impressive being a tour around the well preserved battle ship, `Warrior`. Mixed with these were a colourful Traction Engine Rally at Littlecote House & Grounds near Hungerford.

Next followed, Frank White (Area 13). The slides hadn`t been viewed since processing and it was interesting seeing the `few` failures, as well as the bulk, which proved to be well processed.

Treasurer, Colin Powell (Area 9) next presented a mixture of slides from as far afield as Shropshire and North wales, but no doubt the exception was a few taken on 3M 640T film. These were of a `computerised` light show, in the form of water-fountains, and as they only appeared for a split second at at time, Colin did an excellent job of catching them on film.

During the interval members enjoyed viewing the Print Exhibition with superb prints from Margery Meadows and Kevin Maskell (Area 13), Ron & Susan Croad (Area 20), Frank Redhead (Area 26 Co-ordinator) and Colin Powell (Treasurer). Incidentally, Frank`s selection were the ones which he sent last year but which got delayed in the post. They were all worth waiting for. There was also `stalls` run by Ron & Susan, selling the Club Films & Chemicals and a secondhand stall with a selection of `goodies`, many going free, and everything else at a bargain price. Kevin & Sandra Craske (Area 9) set up their T.F.M. stall and the big seller appears to have been the excellent plastic mounts which you don`t see in many photographic shops, but it is nice to report too that they sold all the C.R.C. Processing Kits they brought with along. If this was the result with the fact that attendance was down this year, it proves what we really could do if many more of you made the effort to come along.

A new comer to our meetings was, Albert Raymond (Area 9), who sells photographic chemicals, under A.R. Photo Chemicals. Most of the chemicals on sale were concentrates for negative processing & printing, but A.R. also sells raw chemicals for reversal work (See advert on page 15 for further details).

Light refreshments including Teas, Coffee, sandwiches and some sweet food was available throughout the day and members enjoyed mixing and chatting in the comfortable and nicely furnished lounge.

Ron Croad started off the second half with an excellent mixture of slides taken on Konicachrome 100, again proving how well this film comes out in the C.R.C. Formula. These were of visits to Cog`s Farm which has `set` scenes of farming equipment & life in the past, a look back at picturesque Burford in Oxfordshire, and the Bird Sanctuary at Bourton On The Water, with antique cars and vans etc, some taken with dedicated flash which came off very well indeed.

Editor, Bill Reid (Area 20) followed up with a mixture of slides which for the first time, all consisted of slides from his W&M with the CRC brew, proving he really has got back to some good processing after the disappointment of that`tobacco` effect. The slides included scenes of the massive garage fire which took place about 200 yards from his home, last summer, to trips around Oban and Iona, taken on 3M 100 and a few Konicachrome 100 taken during his visit to Rita & Major Pearle, back in the autumn, giving such fine results that he will be using this film for most of this year`s photography.

Next came George Sparkes (Area 22 Co-ordinator). George uses a brew based on the B.J. & Derrick watkins. Using Fujichrome, he certainly gets some fine results. Most were taken around the lovely Dorset coast, with it`s beautiful rugged and sea views, across to the Isle of Wight.

The final presentation was an A/V by Kevin Craske. This was an amusing little programme taking a light hearted look at the Home Processor and using excellent sketches and mixing his wife, Sandra, for some amusing facial expressions, the whole added up to a too short but most enjoyable programme. All of the equipment was either very old or completely home made, proving, with a bit of electronic knowledge (and will) you can not only make a completely syncronised A/V but give a lot of pleasure to viewers.

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