Annual General Meeting at Repton School, Saturday 18th, April 1998.

Committee members present, P. Guy, Bill Reid, B. Savage, G. Lowe. Apolgies for absence, R. Salmons (Area 3) W. Brown (Area 11), W. Smith, J. Stalker, C. Rawlings.

The minutes           Minutes as published in the July 1997 newsletter were a true account of the meeting,
                                proposed by John Pearle, seconded by G. Lowe.

Matters Arrising    No matters arrising.

Secretary's report     The Secretary told the meeting that it had been a sad year in two ways, firstly the sad
                                   loss of four members, Bert Sanders, Henry Jenner, David Lewis, and John Wilson, all
                                   had been loyal club members for many years, and then also the dispute between the
                                   NEC  and Area 22, the dispute then resulting in the resignation of our Chairman Kevin
                                   Craske, and also the resigning of quite a few members from Area 22. he also stated that
                                   the committee should take a serious look at the present Constitution and put the
                                   necessary changes to the next AGM. Thanks went to all Committee members for their
                                   years work with a special mention to Brian Savage and Ron Croad for their hospitably
                                   with committee meetings and thanks was also given to all the Area co-ordinators, for
                                   their loyal work to the club, and for their support to the NEC.
                                   A vote of thanks was given to Pete Guy by the members for the work he had done for
                                   the Club during the dispute with Area 22.

Treasurer's Report  As the Treasurer was absent there was no report for the Meeting, The Treasure had tried
                                   to be contacted on a number of occasions but we have never received any reply. It was
                                   proposed that a registered letter be sent to the Treasurer requesting that details of the
                                   accounts be sent to the Secretary.A film sales report was given by Ron Croad

Film Stock                 at 31/3/98 stands at œ280.00
Total assets              31/3/98 " " œ456.84
Bank account            31/3/98 " " œ524.24
Total film sales for the year £1148.77

Editors Report          The Editors said that he was still not receiving very much copy from the members and
                                  each newsletter was getting very difficult to produce he again appealed for more material.

Election of Officers  Chairman & Secretary: P. Guy. Treasurer: S. Craske. Editor: W. Reid
                                . Other Officers: B. Savage, G. Lowe, Chemical Sales: J. Pearle. Item proposed by
                                  D. Morrell, and seconded by A. Comer.

Area 22                    The Secretary told the whole story of the Area 22 dispute to the meeting he also read out some of the correspondence between George Sparkes the Area Co-ordinator and the National Executive
Committee. The conclusion was that all Area 22 assets would be sent to the NEC Treasurer, and all the area 22 members that had renewed their subscriptions would receive the newsletters from the co-odinator of Area 20. The meeting were told that about 15 members had resigned from the club since the dispute had stated. After
discussion Committee members Geoff Lowe, asked the members at the meeting, if they were fully satisfied with the way that the NEC had handled the dispute.

Colin Powell proposed that the NEC had actioned correctly and had acted in the best interests of the club, and asked the meeting to show their appreciation and thanks to the NEC.

Any Other Business The acting Chairman requested that all the members give serious thoughts to updating the CRC Constitution either via their area co-ordinator or the Secretary and as soon as possible please! Geoff Lowe suggested the possibility of an inter-area slide competition to be held at the AGM. The meeting closed at 12.40.

Editorial CRCMain

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