(From Co-ordinator Roy Salmons)
It gives me great pleasure to welcome to the CRC and Area 3+ a new member. He is Gary Ormiston, from Whitefield, Greater Manchester.
Garry's main interest is in processing colour reversal movie film. I am sure he won't mind me telling you that last year he gave a demonstration of this, live, to members of Bury Cine Society. A brave man indeed! And just to prove it, here is a picture of him at it, which I sneaked from the Bury Cine Society's superb Newsletter. Club Secretary Terry Ashworth took the photo, which has probably suffered at my hands as it is a copy of a copy of a ......
Gary is a train driver in his day job, so should have plenty to chatter about with our Membership Secretary and National Newsletter Editor, Bill Reid, at the AGM his year. Further information about the latter will doubtless be found in the News1etter, which should accompany this Area 3+ work of art. (A bit late arriving this time, so this has been printed before I've seen it).
(From Co-ordinator Pete Guy)
What to do you think of the picture below? I have a passion for photographing working horses, and after spending the afternoon at last years Essex Show photographing ploughing horses, we had a packed up our gear, I had a run out of film, and we were on a our way back to the car, when I saw the hay cart just entering the field, and the driver and his mate were rigged out in period costume, of course it had to be sods law that I had used all my film, so I asked my mate, Pete if he had his digicam handy, and he did, the result is the shot on the back page, after some cloning to get rid of some of the background objects in Photoshop I think it now a better looking shot, what do you think?
Last March, whilst I was roaming around the "Digital Solutions" exhibition at Olympia, amongst the various stands. I happened to notice a small stand displaying the old "Ferrania" banner, for the newer members the Colour Reversal Club was formed from people using Ferrania CR 50 film at that time.
Whilst talking to Peter Watt's, who is now the General Manager with the UK part Of the company and to my surprise he told me that they were still making film, which now varied from small quantities of X-ray film, to large supplies of negative film, and is purchased by nearly all the main high street stores and sold under their own brand labels, be also said that they do not make very much slide film now, the little they do make, is now only the large
format type.
Peter was still very interested to know that the Colour Reversal Club was still going strong, and sends his regards to all members.