Area 3`s members are one of the lucky groups who receive a Local Newsletter, along with numerous special offers from their Co-ordinator Roy Salmons who also runs a photographic business in Llandudno. 

During 1996 Roy stated using colour in these newsletters. This computerised system, using a Handscanner, is giving examples of what we may be able to do for the National Newsletter, in time, but at present is financially restrictive. Likewise Roy can`t afford the equipment to scan transparencies, but has to use/make a print copy and scan that. It does have its limitations in final printing quality, but still manages to come up with pleasing results. 

Roy`s members have also responded to this presentation and Noel Dean shed some light on the problem of `contrast` when scanning from Cibachrome prints. " I haven`t conducted experiments yet, but it is suggested that the scanners reluctance to produce acceptable results on one point might be due to the very high reflectivity of Ciba `paper`. Acting like a mirror it sees its own lamp reflected, not the underlying colour photo". If anyone had similar problems, please write. Especially if you have cured them! 

Area Three brought up two requests regarding our sale of Colour Reversal film... One is the possibility our getting Konica to sell us bulk rolls of 35mm film, without the `perforations` to make it more economical to strip down for 9.5mm or 8mm cine use. The other is for the possibility of the club selling 120 sized colour reversal film. 

This was put to CRC Film Salesman, Ron Croad who explained - "It is not straight forward because our standing with Konica depends on how much we purchase off them. At the moment this is very little, since November we have sold 5 cassettes, 1 - 10 metre and 1 - 30 metre tins of film. We have a list of all the Materials that Konica sell and 120 Roll film is available in Print Film only. Anyone ordering would have to buy a minimum pack of 10 films. They would cost between £3.50 and £5.00 according to speed. As there is a complicated pricing system in which discount varies with the quantity one buys plus VAT I could not tell how much any order would cost until it took place. 

Unperforated 35mm film is another difficult thing as this is not listed. They do sell 1000ft rolls of film and it is possible a special order to Japan might secure one of those but the price would be in the region of £234.00. On our size of orders there is no chance. 

I once enquired about Chrome 100 in other speeds. In Japan they produce three different speeds, but Konica will only send 100 iso to Britain. I am afraid we need to push up our sales much more. The Chrome 100 is among the best films available. Its processing qualities are very stable and whenever it has been tested in the press the results have shown it to be as good as any other. It is half the price of competitors to our members. We have a hard core of regular buyers, but we also have 80% who never even give it a try". 


On a more serious note Roy`s local newsletter comments on the use of CTX-5000 Airport scanners which are strong enough to fog film. While we accept the need for good security when flying to our favourite holiday destinations, it seems the use of these machines are not publicised, nor the danger of `fogged` films. As we have said in previous newsletters, keep your films seperate from your main luggage and present them personally when reaching the check point. If you have a film in the camera be prepared to loose a few frames as you will most certainly be asked to fire the shutter to prove the camera has nothing more than film inside. 

On a happier note, Roy has come up with an interesting competition for his members, in which there are three categories, Seasons, People, and Buildings. Members can send one print/slide for each category. Another great point is that there is NO limit on when the picture was taken. Good one Roy. To save Roy time on producing prints from your slides, you could send your own print copy. 

And, the prize!! The winner receives a cassette of Velvia film. Again, the prints will be published, in colour, in the next Area 3 local newsletter.

Cobbler's Page Editorial CRCMain

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