Dear Member,

At the last Committee meeting, Bill Reid suggested that it would be a good idea if items discussed and acted upon at these meetings should be relayed back to the members, it is not intended to give you a blow by blow account of all the agenda, but just basic coverage of all relevant items and topics, so hence these little articles in the Newsletter, Chairman's Chattering's. The meetings have been held for a good few years now, at the Charles Hastings Centre, this is an annex of the Royal Hospital at Worcester, and the meetings are usually held twice a year usually in April and October, I think at this point it should be pointed out that all the meetings that have been held at this venue have been arranged and hosted by Brian Savage, and for this, I say a very big THANK YOU to Brian.

As you know if you were at the AGM in May, there were too many items brought to the meeting to be covered in the time we had, so only the major items ie, next years AGM,, Bill's printer etc were covered, with all the other items left for discussion within the committee, so we arranged for an extra committee meeting which was held on a very hot day at the end of July, and after the normal reading of the previous minutes, accounts etc. we got under way with the latest items.

The first item was 'Next years subs', we agreed, that the return postage costs for the subs. should be paid for by the club, as we have done some tests in the past, and found that with a SAE members tend to return the envelope straight away, so membership is not lapsed, this will cost the club around £45.00 per year, and equals nine members fee's, so we think that it will save us loosing members, and will be a good investment, so next April look out for the Stamped Addressed Envelope enclosed with the Newsletter and return it to the your area co-ordinator, as soon as possible.

The next item was the 1996 AGM/Show, and I am pleased to inform your that arrangements are well under way for the 1996 AGM to be held in the north of England, at the lovely old 'REPTON SCHOOL', (this was the place were the film 'Goodbye Mr.Chips' was made) and the date is the 13th April, 1996. I know it is a month earlier than our normal time, but in order to get the venue the meeting had to coincide with the school holidays. The School its self is set in a village with nice grounds and lovely surrounding scenery,(bring your camera) plenty of parking space, and was chosen as it lies in the middle of the country with, Sheffield to the North, Birmingham to the South, Stoke On Trent West, Nottingham to the East, but you will get the maps and fuller details later on in the year.

Last item on the meeting agenda was the issuing of the latest Handbook publication, this was held up due, to some last minute changes, and also Kevin had some problems with the printing, but you should have it enclosed with this Newsletter.

Well this is all for the last Committee meeting, but don't for get, all Area co-ordinators are welcome at the meetings, also if any member has an idea or project that they would like the committee to hear about you would be most welcome also, but before I close, I thought you may be interested in full details of the questionnaire that I sent out earlier this year, but first a "BIG THANK YOU" to all the members that returned them to me.

1) I sent out 210 forms and received back 70 about 30%. 2) 98% of the returned forms, liked the N/L format, with no changes needed. 3) Nearly all the returned forms wanted, B/W printing and B/W formula, B/W reversal slide articles, more on AV, and more kit tests. 4) Some outside Guest Speakers at the AGM were wanted, but also more speakers within the club. 5) Start and finish times wanted for the AGM were mostly 11am until 6pm.(and these will be the times for next year). 6) Other activities wanted were, some practical sessions at the AGM, also a club slide competition. 7) We had four offers of halls for the AGM in the north, so maybe we can arrange to try the others at later dates, I thought perhaps we could even have 2 meetings a year, say one early April/May and another in September/October and alternate the AGM part of it. I would welcome your comments on this point. 8) Other Comments, well not many really, very disappointing, a couple of members wanted a more frequent printing of the chemical price list, which I know Bill will be giving more coverage to in the future.

One last pleasing point to add, I think I had returned forms from all our Irish members, and with the AGM in the midlands next year, maybe they will be able to get over and visit us, also I will have the pleasure of meeting them.

I think I have covered all the main points now, all in all the questionnaire was a worth while exercise as it has given the committee a lot of ideas to how the club should proceed, and I am sure we have a very bright future, so I say once again "THANK YOU VERY MUCH".

Pete Guy. Hon. C.R.C. Chairman.

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