ISSUE No. 79 | NEWS | OCTOBER 95. |
EDITORIAL LASER PRINTING The club now owns a superb Hewlett Packard laserjet 4L Printer. You should notice the difference immediately in this issue. Likewise as the handbook re-print was delayed back in July it was decided to re-do the whole thing on the new printer. We hope that you find it worth the wait. Much time and work has gone into learning the new computer programmes involved, making up some new graphics and getting to grips with the laser printer. I would like to thank the Executive Committee and those members who voted at the recent AGM to agree on this investment. In this issue our Secretary Ron Croad expels our fears over the possible demise of 35mm film due to a new system where film will be in a cartridge and returned to the processors. Thankfully while this system may well come about it will, hopefully, not affect slide film for a long time to come yet. CRC Chairman Peter Guy starts a new section giving details of what takes place at Executive Meetings, keeping you up to date with the politics of Club business. Of course, YOU too can take part by submitting your views and ideas to Pete or Ron, to be discussed at these meetings. As pete mentions these meetings take place in April and October, so why not get your views down on paper now! We hope too that you will give much thought to attending next years AGM which is set to take place in the Midlands, in a most beautiful setting of Repton School in Derbyshire. Make a note in your diary now and support this event. Also inside we have our first article on Colour Negative Printing, using a Jobo Processing unit, how to take advantage of being a member of the Photographic Alliance, how to avoid putting your camera away over the winter, and a couple of `BLIX` Formulae to have a go at with your weighing and mixing. And finally, copy is starting to get low again so please keep me in mind should you have anything you would like to see in these pages. |