Dear Member,

As there has been no committee meeting this last quarter, therefore there is no extra club business to tell you about, other than to confirm that all the arrangements for the 1996 AGM/Show have been made. Bill I hope! has printed full location details in this newsletter, so the date for your diary now is! SATURDAY 13th April 1996, the very nice venue building we have is "THE UNDERCROFT" REPTON SCHOOL, REPTON, DERBYSHIRE, tele. 01283 704062. "The Undercroft" by the way is part of the original Augustinian Priory and dates from 1172. We have the hall from 10.30am until 6pm, and to satisfy the hunger pangs there will be tea's, coffee, sandwiches, snacks ie Ploughman's etc. available at moderate prices, and I hoping to arrange theprogram for the day as follows.

To start about 10.30am with a signing-in coffee and chat, and starting the AGM at 12.00pm, and to finnish at about 1.00pm, running us nicely into lunch until say, about 2pm and then onto the afternoon show with a tea break at 3.30pm, and then winding up about 6pm. We have not as yet finalized the afternoon program as we would like contributions from your good-selves, and thiswould vary the timetable, but for the first time and to add some extra interest to the day, we hope to start two new competition idea's within the club, and these are to be judged by the attending members. The first one is, the best three "Folio Slides of the Year"and these will be taken from slide folio members only, and the second comp. to be the "CRC SLIDE of the YEAR" and this will be open to all members of the Club, on any subject you choose, but to see how the event will run for the first time, we think it should be limited to 3 slides per member and there will be awards for the winners. Slides should be sent to Bill Reid as soon as possible, and clearly labelled with "The Title", your "Name and address" and spotted in the right place for clear projection, and with a "Stamped Addressed Envelope" for their save return please, if any of the the excellent slides I have seen in the past are anything to go by it should be an excellent and interesting show, BUT! of course the success of the whole day will be dependant on you supporting it, if you don't turn up, there will be your committee sitting around a light box looking lost, with the hire of a hall with no one to fill it, so come on all you CRC members, show what you can do, and help make it a great day out! also don't forget if you have any items that you wish to sell, bring them along, if you wish to show an AV or even wish to show a few of your slides please get in touch with Bill or myself as soon as possible, and this will help with the timing of the afternoon program.

One the subject of competitions, and as we are now members of the PAGB, I have received a few competition entry forms for slide and print competitions within the federation, the competitions are open to all CRC members, and they are from the followingclubs. Rushden & District Photographic Society Colour Slide, closing date 10th April 1996, Wellingborough Open Slide Exhibition, closing date 7th February 96, Clay Cross & Biwater Photographic, closing date, 27th January 96, these competitions are all medal awards, so the excepted standard I think will be very high, but I know we have many members who could win any of these competitions, so if you would like to take part and I hope you will as you will also be representing the club, please drop me a line and I will send you the entry forms.

It is just coming up to Christmas whilst writing this article, and April seems a long way away but it is only about 14 weeks, so I will have to get my skates on too, in the mean time may I take this opportunity in "WISHING YOU A VERY PROSPEROUS 1996".

Cobbler's Page Editorial CRCMain

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