Dear Member,
                           I hope your photography is going well with the lovely spell of hot weather we are having, even though it did arrive a little late.

I would like to start these Chattering's with yet again, another appeal for a member to take on the position of Club Secretary, as to date, my appeal in the emergency Newsletter has not raised any response, I suppose the club could soldier on for a short time without a Secretary, but then we will reach crisis point. SO, PLEASE, PLEASE do give this very important matter some consideration, I do not know of any other club that runs without a Secretary do you? now on to the main news about the AGM. 

I would like to take this opportunity and thank all the members that did make it to Repton, in fact 40 members turned up, and this was great considering that in the evening before it was snowing quite hard, but the day itself turned out to be a lovely spring day with sunshine, members started arriving about 10.15 and were welcomed with tea and coffee, it was good to see old friends, and also I was able to put faces to names. 

Before the meeting started, John Podmore  from area 9, gave us a conducted tour of the very old library, which Repton has and I think many members found this very enjoyable. 

The Club business part of the day gave us some very unexpected items to deal with, as you now know from the recent emergency news sheet, we were all very sorry to hear that both Ron Croad, and Colin Powell, have made the decision to stand down from their posts, and for the same reasons, ie. as they have both given many years of loyal service to the club, and now as they are getting on in years, and with the club workload being as it is now, they thought that their work should be handed on to the shoulders of younger members of the club. Of course I was very saddened by their decisions, but I do respect them, I am also sure you will agree that they will both be a hard act's to follow, but it is also nice to know that they will will be a still be available in the wings to offer any help to the people who take over from them. 

After hearing the news, I made an tentative appeal at the meeting, but nothing was forth coming, but I have since had a kind offer from both Kevin and Sandra Craske.  Kevin has agreed to take over the chemical sales, and Sandra has offered to take up the Treasures position, and we hope to make this change over at the next committee meeting in the Autumn, so as from now, the position is, that if you wish to order Chemicals please send your order to Mr. Kevin Craske, 17, Providence Place, Briston, Melton Constable, Norfolk. NR24 2HX Tel: 01263 860602. but also please note that if you require film this still has to be ordered from Ron Croad, "Leys End" 32, Brownlow Lane, Cheddington, Leighton Buzzard, Beds, LU7 OSS. Tel. 01296 661102. 

During the lunch break, we had the pleasure of some very nice colour prints to look at processed and arranged by Rita Pearle, aided by son John, and there was also some very nice mono prints from Ken Smith and Dave Morrell from area 4, it is gratifying to know that we have some great talent within the CRC, but it is such as shame that we seem to under estimate our selves, I think some of these prints would have walked away with many photo club competition trophy's, the afternoon then progressed well with some very good AV's from John Salter area 3, Brian Asquith and John Batty area 11, after these we had the Slide-of-the-Year competition judged by all the members attending, there were some super slides, and I think with the  quality being so high, it made choosing very difficult, but in the end we found our for this year was John Batty from area 11, with a smashing slide of a Canadian Red Squirrel, Congratulations and very well done John? 

We then followed on with a look at the Folio-Slide-of-the-Year entries, and these really were terrific, but being of such a high standard we were not able to give them enough justification time to make it a competition, so I decided to postpone this competition until either theDidcot meeting in October, or next years AGM when we would be able to devote more time to them, another idea which I would like to try next year is a, 10-for-10 show, , and this is to show a maximum of 10 slides on any subject or theme, with a little backing talk for 10 minutes, it could be along any lines, say a holiday, or a hobby, and this I hope would make a show more interesting and it would not be as hard to arrange as a full show etc. again on next years AGM, and Repton being an excellent venue, and also with some requests from members who attended this year, I have pre-booked Repton for next year, it will also be be around Easter time, as to secure it we have to fall in line with the school holidays. 

Alas! time got the better of us and the meeting finished at around 6pm, every member I spoke to said that they enjoyed themselves and were now looking forward to next year, I agree whole heartedly with them and I hope you will be there also. More next time,

                                                                                                                                                                                          Best Regards.


AGM 96 Report (82) Editorial CRCMain

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