You will have seen that the subscription has risen by £2 for a single member and I am sure that this will give rise to some members being outraged.  However, before you decide not to renew your subscription just give a few seconds thought.  An enquiry at my local pub revealed that in the last 10 years the price of a pint has just about doubled, the CRC subscription has also doubled.  The CRC has made savings in the printing of the magazine but we are not able to hold the Post Office at bay and we now have increased postal charges.  Also it was thought at the last committee meeting that we still want to go forward.  The change to the presentation of CRC News was welcomed on all fronts and although part of the improvement would not increase the cost of the magazine due to a different production method, a small increase in cost would arise to keep the format the same as we have seen in the past two and this edition.  Also it was thought that it would be  a good idea to investigate the possibility of the club owning a screen and projector.  After all. a club which is for the promotion of colour slides with no screen or projector does seem to be a bit strange.  Of course these items would be available to any area which would have a use for them.  In particular I could see a use for a large screen as such an item would constitute a large personal investment for an individual.  We are indebted to those members who have kindly loaned screens (Bill Crumplins' monster screen comes to mind) and projectors at AGM's but we should not have to rely on them.  Such projects have to be financed and as long as the cost to members is not unreasonable the committee thinks that we should go ahead.  Of course this is the time to get in another plug.  If you do not agree or have other ideas COME ALONG to the next AGM.  Having put in a few plugs for the AGM however, you can at any time express your views to any committee member whose job it is to bring it up at the next committee meeting. 

You can see we want to progress, but if nothing else, being a member of the CRC does enable discounts on our own run film and chemical supplies. 

So here I end my first contribution as Chairman, and once more I look forward to seeing members at the AGM in April so COME ALONG.  It only leaves me to wish you a happy, sucessfull (and photographic) 1997.

CRC (Didcot) Open Meeting, Report 1996 Editorial CRCMain

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