As I write this I have a dilemma. The weather is so changeable, I cannot see how the Water Authority is short of water when we are in the middle of the most torrential rain storm that I have seen for a long time, or why the farmers are complaining that they want more sun when yesterday was a real scorcher.

Can I really write a bit about encouraging us all to go out with our cameras in the summer? Perhaps a compromise would be to suggest we all go out in the summer wearing a rain coat to take advantage of the sun! I can solve my dilemma however by looking at chemical sales, wearing my other hat. I have not sold any chemicals for some weeks, then four orders in as many days. Yes, perhaps you have made up your minds and picture taking is under way, I certainly hope it is. 

The British are famous for their obsession with the weather and of course photography is seasonal, at least the holiday photography is seasonal. It is fair to say that we take more photographs when on holiday if it is sunny than if it is hurtling it down with rain, but are people such as us, not just holiday photographers, a little bit different. 

In particular the members of the CRC go just that little bit further, we actually process the films ourselves, even some of us mix our own chemicals. I would suggest that we should not be so concerned with the weather, we should be looking for subjects that are that little bit different. I made this point with the first AV which we did, pointing out that it is all too easy to take the type of photograph that has all been done before, it just turns into a mechanical exercise. The problem is, to take something just that little bit different takes a bit more effort. It is no excuse however to say that it has all been done before, or nearly all been done so therefore finding something different

 is becoming harder and harder. If we lived in a digital world then perhaps it may be possible to put forward this argument, but nature is an analogue world, it is not black and white (or cyan and red) but an infinite number of subtle shades and events. Thus there are an infinite number of different photographs for the taking. The human race, and certainly the photographic human race, has only been around a minute amount of time to take a minute amount of photographs to only just scratch the surface of the infinite amount of subject matter which is presented too us. So next time you want to go out, let us say on a sunny day, to take some photographs and the weather turns out to be totally

wrong, you took along a wide angle instead of a telephoto, you have 1600 ASA film loaded instead of 200 - stand back for a moment. Take a drink of orange squash (which should have been beer) and really open your eyes. Look at really what is there, not what the first glance is that you see, and CREATE something. The variation for us however does not stop in the camera. We process our own films so we have the capabilities to vary the processing or once processed to act on the image in many ways to achieve that slightly different creation. Even in the final act of presentation we can be creative. The CRC has for some time had an interest in prints from slides, after all the Kodak method of direct prints from slides is in fact a colour reversal process, also interest has been shown in Cibachrome or whatever it is called now. Just changing the mount can add another dimension. Slide presentations give yet another dimension and with this we can introduce another factor, music or narration. 

No, it has not all been done before and there is still plenty of scope to mix and match the various stages which we go through to finally arrive at the result which we are looking for (or perhaps never even dreamed of when we first started out). 

How does all this fall into a column in the CRC News which I like to write about general things within the CRC? It was seeing some of the creations of other members which spurred me on to product the electronics to control slide projectors so I to could create. The bug bit and now I am at last getting near to finishing my next creation, yet mor electronics, so that I can create more creations. Thus, bring these creations along to the AGM or, if it continues ( which I hope it does) to Didcot so we can all see and hopefully spur yet more people on...............

Creative Thoughts Editorial CRCMain

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