CRC Chemicals - Report to Members. April 2000.

Considering the small number of members who make up their own chemistry (surely there are more than two members making up their own E6) - most appear to have descended to using kits - the last year has been a successful one for the Club's Chemical sales. There are 27 customers on the list of whom about 17 are "regulars". Sales were over 50% higher than 1998-9, turning a loss of nearly £45 during 1998-9 into a profit of just over œ70 for the year just ended. This has enabled purchases of larger amounts of some chemicals - this keeps costs down - as well as some additions to the range. As well as keeping moisture sensitive chemicals under dry air, air sensitive compounds are now kept under inert gas so that we can take advantage of larger purchases without risking deterioration in storage. We have also been able to take advantage of private trips to save carriage costs on purchases. The Hon. Treasurer has details of all transactions.

It is not clear that much further expansion is possible unless more members take up or return to "weighing and mixing" rather than simply adding the water to a prepared kit.

Future projects include simplified data sheets, and plans to encourage more people to do their own weighing and mixing, not just for colour reversal but for other colour and B&W processes as well.

John Pearle.


CRC Chemicals. Financial summary from 1st April 1999 to 29th February 2000. Figures for last year are shown in brackets. Note that the year 1998/99 ended on 31.3.99.

                                                                                            Expenditure                                                 Income
                                                                                            ------------------                                                -----------

Postage on orders                                                            £97.18                           £64.27)
Purchases of chemicals                           £317.65           (£283.65)
Misc.(packing materials etc)                   £7.74               (£12.24)
Sales                                                                                                                                                           £492.86   (£314.81)
From CRC Central Funds                                                                                                                             nil        (£150.00)
To Secretary's Fund.                               £0.56         ( nil )
Bank interest                                                                                                                                             £0.78  (£0.47)
                                                                                           -------------                                                        -------------
                                                                                            £423.13                       (£360.16)                    £493.64 (£465.28) 
                                                                                           -------------                                                        -------------

The balance is £175.63 at 29.2.00.(£105.12 at 31.3.99)

The estimated value of the chemicals in stock is £1103.45 (at current prices) at 29.2.00 (£1056.40 at 31.3.99)

There is £42.27 due to CRC Chemicals on two outstanding invoices.

CRC Chemicals has no outstanding debts.

February 29th, 2000.

Secretary's Report To AGM Editorial CRCMain

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