Bill Dudley Area 15.

Like many other members of our club I was becoming disillusioned with home slide processing a few years ago having tried all different
variations of film and kits, the latter either being made up from raw chemicals or purchased ready made. When I saw a three bath kit
advertised at the beginning of 1985 I was a bit sceptical about it, having gone through the early days of slide processing when thirteen
baths was no exception! Hoever I thougth I would try a three bath kit in conjunction with Konicachrome 100 film, which seemed to have
good possibilities.

I therefore bought a 600ml Chrome Six Kit by Phototechnology and the first results were extremely encourageing. The whole process.took
less than forty minutes (compared to almost two hours with the aforementioned thirteen bath process) and from the first roll of film I have
had very acceptable results apart from two set backs caused by (1) putting the colour developer in instead of of the first developer
(although I realised my mistake immediately and poured the colour developer out, the damage had been done!) and (20 when I tried to
develop five films in the same 300ml of solutions (the makers instruction clearly state four films maximum, but no; four of any size of film
is the limit).

Although the three bath kit can be used at a range of temperatures I have always used 100F (38C) as this is recommended and I find that
using a bowl of water to hold the trhee solutions it s very easy to maintain 100F for the first developer after which the temperature is not
so critical and by the time the bleach-fix is used there is only about a ten degree drop which is perfectly adaquate. One thing I did find was
that the first film in fresh developer always appeared to be slightly over developed so I reduced the recommended time of 6½ to six minutes
and for the secon, third and fourth films returned to 6½ minutes. Incidentaly I must mention here that from trials done on Konica film earlier
I always rate it at 125 ASA in order to ensure good colour saturation.

The keeping properties of the Chrome Six Kit are also excellent. I have used a 1200ml kit over a period of six months (including summer)
making sure the stock solutions is in full bottles kept in a dark cool place.When made up four films should be processed within fourteen

Finally. I would sum up by saying that this is an excellent kit and film combination particularly for the beginner in slide processing and
also most economical, the film costing just under £2 for thirty six exposures and the 1200ml kit approx. £11 to process s
ixteen films which
means each film costs under three pounds to buy and process - good value. I would say when you look at the prices of process-paid film
from the big manufacturers.

Percentage Solutions Editorial CRCMain

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