By Ron Croad (Area 20).

One of the problems of using Cibachrome is the cost involved when you have to buy paper and chemicals. To try to soften this burden somewhat I got in touch with Lawrence Edwards who had done a bit of research into the make up of the developer.

A delve into a book on Developing produced a Fixer, and out came the balance and measuring cylinders. The weighing and mixing of the developers and Fixer are easy. The bleach can not be mixed by us at the moment as Ilford will not let any one into the secret. However a 5 Litre pack of bleach is reasonable in price and is conveniently split into 5 - 1 Litre sachets.

Sue does the Cibachrome in our house and tested a small quantity of the solutions, while using a Cibachrome Kit. The results were identical.

We bought a packet of 25 - 10x8 papers. When we got home we found they were over a year out of date. We went back and found all the shop`s stock was out of date. To be fair one of the assistants went up into the stock room and found us 3 packets of 10 which were in date. It was all they had.

During the Christmas holiday Sue had a serious session at processing and produced 28 good prints from the 30 papers. The odd two were tests for exposure. Filtration was found to be exactly as on the packet and it all went like clockwork.

Since that session Ilford have improved the paper slightly and we have salted away a packet of 50 - 10x8 Pearl and are looking forward to another long session.

For those who might be tempted to have a go, the process is quite straight forward. You obviously need an enlarger with either a colour head, or a drawer for filters. A drum to develop the prints is also essential. Three small measures for the chemicals and thee bottles to hold 1 Litre are also needed.


1) Expose paper with enlarger in total darkness.
2) Load into drum in total darkness.
3) Switch on light and pour in developer for 3 minutes development.
4) Pour out and rinse for 30 seconds.
5) Bleach for 3 minutes.
6) Fix for 3 minutes.
7) Wash for 3 minutes.

There is an excellent book on the subject by Ilford and that goes into detail that I can not cover in a page. Its called, Ilford Cibachrome-A and costs about £4. from most large photo shops. Go, have a go!

Calgon ......................................................2.0 gm.
Sodium carbonate anhyd .....................33.0 gm.
Sodium bicarbonate ................................6,7 gm.
Potassium bromide ..................................1,5 gm.
Sodium Sulphite anhyd ........................50.0 gm.
Sodium thiosulphate anhyd ...................2.6 gm.
Dimezone `S` ............................................0.5 gm.
Hydroquinone .......................................10.8 gm.
Water to ...................................................1 Litre.


Ammonium thiosulphate 60% sol.* ...........188.0 ml.
Sodium metabisulphite .................................20.0 gm.
Sodium hydroxide 10% sol. ..........................36.0 ml.
Water to ...........................................................1 Litre.

pH values:-
                      Developer 9.8 at 26C.
                      Fixer 6.8 ar 26C.

* Liquid Ammonium thiosulphate may be replaced by solid. The quality needed is 150gms.

Editorial CRCMain

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