from Club Librarian Brian Asqith

I am writing as your librarian this time to give you an update on what is available. The library has been reduced from the 1993 list by removing out-dated material where parts for DIY projects no longer exist, electronics no longer in support, formula that are that are no longer used, film no longer made.

The club still has a good library of practical information and historic references in the form of soft back books and sheets as well as back numbers of the magazines Darkroom User and Darkroom Techniques. I also have references books of my own covering all aspects of photography and I am willing to take copies from these. All material is supplied to members at the cost of postage both ways. In the case of A4 copies the cost 5p per sheet but you do not return these. I would like to see all items post free but doubt if the club could stand such increase in costs. In these days of the internet you can get lots of information on specific photographic topics. I did this at our local library by using the public computer to get information on Ilford products etc. and getting a print-out for 10p a sheet.

CRC Library List
Reciprocity Failure                                                                                                                                     D Crossland
Chemicals for the Home Processor Kodak
Photographing Fireworks Kodak
Simple Chemical Balance                                                                                                                           P N Roberts
Brew it Yourself (B&W )                                                                                                                            F N Roberts
Colour Corner                                                                                                                                              D Watkins, SLR
E6 and What Goes On                                                                                                                               Kevin Craske
Notes on Raw Chemicals                                                                                                                           J Asbworth
Colour Reversal Film Chemistry                                                                                                               Kevin Craske
Colourisation                                                                                                                                               W Attree
Reproduction and Modification of Colour Transparencies                                                                 C Leighton
Fast Fixing                                                                                                                                                    P N Roberts
Colour Prints from Slides                                                                                                                            Kodak
Exercises with Lith film                                                                                                                               Dr G Neill
E6 Dignan Report USA                                                                                                                               Dignan
Slide Projection at its Best                                                                                                                          Leitz
Photo Colour Printing Made Easy
Copying and Duplicating Col/B&W                                                                                                         Kodak
Darkroom Expressions                                                                                                                                 Kodak
Colour Data Guide Kodak
Ilford Multigrade Manual                                                                                                                           Ilford
Focal Press Guides - Lighting/Gadgets -  Exhibition Prints - Still Life -- To Enlarging - To Portraits - To Filters 
Agfa Gevart booklets, processing
Developing, Printing, Enlarging KodakPlanning and Producing Slide Shows                                    Kodak
Travel Photography BJ Ann 1976AV Cassettes - HMS Warrior -Manufacturers Information sheets
The club has copies of Darkroom User (UK magazine) and the American magazine Darkroom Techniques (which became Photo Tecniques), from 1992 to 1997. These magazines are full of interesting and informative articles, a lot historic but some never date. The contents are so numerous it would take a years supply of newsletters to list them all. So, I have printed the Contents Pages and you can get a set from me, select reprints of any articles you want. Each article usually runs to 3/4 pages (because of the way magazines use advertising space). Contents Pages Darkroom User 9 pages 45p +40p postage = 95p “ “ Darkroom Techniques 13 pages = 13p +4Op post 1.05p

Finally, we have printed formula for EVERYTHING PHOTOGRAPHIC. In particular all material using E6. C41 and RA4 produced by L. Edwards. These are GUARANTEED to work, I have seen his results.
It is a sad fact that some members have not returned books after borrowing them. The CIBA manual was one that went missing. Please note that books have to be returned at your expense.

Latest CRC Slide Folio Editorial CRCMain

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