Library Secretary, Brian Asquith, has been very busy sorting out the Library materials, and has thrown out those that are obviously no longer of use. However, an allowance has been made to Library funds, and Brian has added a number of new books etc, and would like to bring these to your attention, especially a `Full` set of the American, bi-monthly, "Darkroom Techniques" which is full of interesting articles for active darkroom work. They cover advanced darkroom techniques. Also Konica Infra Red film is reviewed.

There is also a full year of "Darkroom User", the English equivalent, not as advanced as the American one, but very good.

Another American publication; Photographic Processes. The Chemistry of Photography Vol. 11. This covers;

Colour Negative Processing.
Colour Reversal processing.
Black and White.
Question & Answer section.

Darkroom User (English);

Winter 92.

Polaroid Image Transfer
Timers Tested.
Derek Watkins on Fine Grain.


Tone Separation. Using Lith Film.
Containers Chemical Storage.
B&W. making Your First Print.
Enlarging Lenses. Test.


ISO or E1 Rating Your Film.
Look At Your Image.
Making Contact (Contact Printing).
Making a Montage.
B&W. Infra Red.
Darkroom History.


Colour Ring-Round (Colour Negatives).
Cross Processing ( E6 in C41).
History Again.
Colour Analysers.

Both magazines have letters and quiries section of general and specific interest.

Darkroom Techniques (American)

Vol. 14. No.3.

B&W Development.
Guide to Film and Paper.
Large Format Infra Red.
Dye Dodging.
Tricolour Printing..

Vol. 14. N0.5.

Advanced Zone System.
Colour Filter Use.
Light and Colour.
Controlling Colour.
large Format Infra Red (Continued).
Photographing Rural Landscape.
Solarization. Update.

Vol. N0.6.

Hand Colouring - Photos.
Filters for Black and White.
Nova Processing review.
Measurement of camera Shutter Delays.

Vol. No. 15.

Large Format Infra Red (continued).
Crash Course Underwater Photography.
Filters B&W Testing.
Pre Exposing Film and Paper.
Homing in on Shutters, Leica M Series.

As you can see, plenty there to interest most members. Of course, there are still many of the previous books and articles giving advice and help of W&M, Home Processing, making all sorts of home-made items such as pH meters and Water Tempering Baths etc, etc, etc.

Brian would be pleased to hear from you. Some items may be heavy and require the correct postage and packaging. As these are given out on trust, they need to be returned after a reasonable period. However if you know the particular article you require, some can be sent as photocopies. The Library is there for YOUR use and service. Write or phone to the CRC Library Secretary, Mr. Brian Asquith (Address in the advert on page 16).


Accessories for MAMIYA Universal

* Focussing Screen Holder.
* Focussing Screen Hood.
* Extension-Tubes Set.
* Tripod Adaptor.
* Spacers Set.

Contact Mr. Keshav Mistry (Area 20)
6. Cumberland Road, Ashford,
Middlesex, TW15 3BX.

I have SUNPAK X36 Flash Gun Press 6 x 9. That needs repair. As the
Agents for SUNPAK no longer handle or repair, these Flash Guns, does
anyone out there know where I could get this repaired? Also, I would like
to get another SUN PAK D36X flash gun, has anyone out there got one
for sale? Jeff Mundell (Area 22 Chairman).


Apologies for the lack of explanation about which `papers` the Colour paper Formula, by Eric Mitchell of Area 20, referred to, in the the April Newsletter. It should have been mentioned that this formulae went with the Fujichrome (Fuji 34/35) papers that, Eric advertised for sale on page 12 of that issue. If you are interested, contact Eric at:- 6. Adalade Square, Bedford, MK40 2RW. Tel. 0234-218316.

On Your Soap (film) Box Editorial CRCMain

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