The PHOTOGRAPHIC ALLIANCE of Great Britain (PAGB) is composed of fourteen regional bodies known as Federations, Unions or Associations. Each of these Federations is made up of Photographic Societies and Camera Clubs, in total over 1150 are affiliated to the PAGB though their Federations.

The aims and objectives is to act as a national co-ordinating body by promoting the co-operation of the regional Federations in all matters of common interest and by providing certain services on a national scale. The Alliance liaises with the Royal Photographic Society and organises some events jointly with them.

The ALLIANCE is run by an Executive Committee which consists of a member from each of the area Federations, co-opted from the various clubs, therefore knowing the problems and needs of members clubs. Upon admission to the PAGB all member benefits and services are open to the CRC Club, ie Lectures and Judges, and lectures do not charge for their services, but travelling expenses should be reimbursed for their visits, there is also a list of lecturers published in the Alliance Handbook.

Exhibitions and Competitions are organised, with an Annual Print and Slide exhibition and also Club Championship. The print exhibition is selected in June from entries sent in by each Federation, according to their size, with awards are also made to the best individual entries. The Print exhibition is then shown in six or seven Federation areas between July and January. The Slide competition is judged in November and the selected slides are circulated round all the Federations for showings between November and January. The Club championship is sponsored by Minolta and for this each Federation chooses two clubs to represent it at the championship and these clubs together with the previous year's semi-finalists, 32 Clubs in all compete in a slide battle on a Saturday in May, the Federations choose their two clubs either by a knock-out battle or by a league of slide battles, or a combination. All of these three events present an opportunity of seeing some of the best club photography, (I wonder how the CRC would do in the slide event? Pete.). Other services are awards for Meritorious Service to individuals who have made a substantial contribution to the organisation of club photography, it also runs in con-junction with the RPS the National Audio Visual Championships alternating with the RPS AV Festival. The PAGB has also arranged insurance schemes for Public Liability and Equipment cover, for societies at a modest cost. The PAGB are members of FIAP and though the PAGB photographers may apply for FIAP honours for their prowess in exhibitions internationally.

Please note that the CRC is a member of the Alliance by way of THE CHILTERNS ASSOCIATION OF CAMERA CLUBS (CACC) this is because as we are a nation-wide club, it would have meant that each Area of the CRC joining the Alliance individually. The Chilterns was chosen because it is covered by the area in which the CRC Secretary Ron Croad lives.

One final note the committee are at present scanning the ALLIANCE HANDBOOK for interesting lectures to attend the AGM at Rapton Collage, so watch the Newsletter.

Jobo CPE 2 Processing Unit Editorial CRCMain

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