The year is flashing by and I don’t seem to have done very much photography just haif a roll
of slides’ The reason is, of course, that most of my spare time is devoted to producing the Area 3+ Newsletter, which I try to get out at least ten times a year, and the printing of the CRC News.

I love doing these things, especially when members take the time and trouble to communicate
with me and I am actually spreading their knowledge and skills. That is what our Club is all
about. It must be admitted that! do get a bit despondent if I write to someone, either to get them to do something or try and extract some advice from them, but get absolutely no response. After all, I don’t consider myself to be a fount of all wisdom so asking others for a bit of help should evoke some sort of response~ don’t you think? Please, those who have consistently ignored my communications, think on that.

The response from members to the Nomination Paper and subsequent follow-up has been
superb, and hammers home the (bet that, as a largely postal club, there are far  more members who would like to express their opinion than are able to get to an AGM. This is a situation that has to be addressed and it is time to think about votes by proxy for those who for a multitude of reasons cannot travel to an AGM.

The outer cover of this issue carries an Autumnal picture courtesy of Hemera Photo
Objects, whose software can be discovered on their website: As you know, I
like to see, in common with our Editor Bill Reid, an outer cover bearing a seasonal photograph from one of our members, but none was forthcoming for this issue alas. Don’t be backward in coming forward let’s see some pictures from a few more members. I remember from some years back many really wonderful slides that I was privileged to see from members of various Areas, so I know they are out there. One member has suggested that there should be more technical information to balance the photographic illustrations that have helped fill the pages of the CRC News. An excellent suggestion, so what about it chums? Don’t keep your discoveries to yourself. Dump Bill a line and give him the gent Keep it under your hat and it cannot appear here in the News. It really does depend onyou. Well,! think that’s more than enough nagging for one issue as I’m sure you will agree. As I usually end up in the Area 3+ Newsletters, Keep in touch. 

Roy Salmons.

Aspects Of Digital Photography Editorial CRCMain

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