My notes for this issue of the Newsletter are almost written for me by way of things which cropped up in the past weeks.
I would like to thank all members who sent me tubs for my cassettes. I now have an ample supply. When were turned
from holiday there was a carrier bag full waiting for me as well as a couple of packets in the post office. Good news also
about the Library. Brian Asquith has taken over the job from Eddie Pearce. Brians address is:- 7. Bonaccord Terrace,
Purwell, Batley, West Yorkshire. Phone (0924) 478341. Thanks go to Eddie who has looked after the archives for very
many years.

It is with regret that I have to report the death of Charles Myers who some years ago did a lot of work for the Club. He
passed away peacefully after a long illness in his throat, on 15th. August.

Tony Chuter is very interested in copying his transparencies and after the Newsletter contributions recently wonders if
there is enough support to form a group of members who have similar aims as himself. The idea would be to exchange
information on the subject which might be of a mutual help to all concerned. Any member who feels he could continue
to the group is invited to contact Tony at:- 44. Lingwood Close, Bassette, SOUTHAMPTON. Hants. SO1 7GF.
Tel. (0703) 767167.

John Slater has sent me a tip which cures a slight red cast he got when developing some of his films (Konica) in
Photochrome 6. John develops two films back-to-back in 300mls of solution. The first pair were always correct. The next
pair were processed with the addition of 4 drops from an eyedropper of Sodium Hydroxide 10% solution in the Colour
Developer. Finally a further four drops of the solution were added to the last pair. All the films were clear of any pink

We have now come to the end of our Summer season and Autumn is on us. To me this is the best time of the year as the
trees have lovely colour for a while and bracken turns lovely golden brown. There is much more colour to be seen in the
countryside. Fungi and berries make good subjects for slides as do close ups of leaves. Put another film in your camera
and go out and have a go at getting some really colourful slides to show over the winter.


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