Another A.G.M. has come and gone. It was good to see old friends again. Some came from a very long distance: from Dorset, Yorkshire, Shropshire, Worcester, Cleveland and East Anglia etc. It is a pity that we do not have as many locals as we should have.

It was a good day out. Slide shows, secondhand sales, an A.V. show, display of very fine crafted work by Jeff Mundell including a wood and brass Polaroid back Camera.

Refreshments were fine, supplied by Jeff`s wife.

The meeting went smoothly, with all the Committee willing to stand again and no new nominees. The Committee were re-elected on block.

During A.O.B. the matter of the computer on the front of the Newsletter was raised. It was felt by many that this did not reflect what the Colour Reversal Club`s objects are. We are a Club - the only Photographic Club that encourages excellence in the Home Processing of Reversal Film. By no stretch of the imagination can computers be linked to those aims. Their part in producing the Newsletter is entirely irrelevant.

The members suggested that a competition be held to design a new device which will illustrate our aims. The competition will have a closing date of 1st. October 1994.

Rules of Competition.

1) The device should illustrate the aims of the C.R.C. i.e:- To promote the excellence of home processed colour reversal film.

2) The winner will be judged at the Autumn Committee meeting.

3) Entries to be posted to the editor not later than 1st. October, 1994.

4) The winner will receive 5 Cassettes of Konica film.

Two new films were announced recently by Fuji. They are Provia none processed paid - now called `Professional` and Sensia its processed paid counterpart. Both films have better skin tones than Velvia but the colour is not quite so dazzleing. Cost of the 100iso is £8.99 per cassette which makes our Club Konica at £3.32 a real bargain.

Latest rumour from the trade is that Contax/Yashica are producing a new rangefinder 35mm Camera with 3 Carl Zeiss lenses. That should be some competition for Leica.

To end this piece can I ask members ordering holiday film and chemicals to allow 3 weeks for delivery as I am often on holiday during the summer.


AGM & Meeting, Report Editorial CRCMain

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