Dear Member,
                     As we are now into spring, I hope you have cleaned those camera's ready for the season. 

The hand over of the Secretary's roll from Ron went very smoothly, I spent a day at Ron's house and we and we settled all the club affairs, and chatted photography over a nice meal and a pint at the local pub, I was very pleased that Ron is still handling all the film sales, but for all your film requirements please try to give Ron as much notice as possible, as I have said before Ron is out and about more often now. 

I went up to 'Focus 97' at the NEC at Birmingham in February and it seemed to have many more stands this year than last, I made, what I thought was a very good buy at the Capital Camera stand, and bought a 30 metre tin of Fuji Provia for £58.00 inc. VAT, I think I must have saved about £10 over the normal price, so if you are into Provia give them a ring and they may still be able to offer it at the show price, but obviously you must add the dreaded postage and packing, also at the show I noticed that Silverprint Ltd, had quite a nice little chemical balance complete with brass weights starting with two 100 gram weights down to 1 gram, at a price of £34.66, including VAT, smaller weights would have to be purchased from one of the specialist outlet's like Hogg Laboratory Supplies, Birmingham, but it seemed like a good little buy to me, if you are interested you can contact Silverprint Ltd, 12, Valentine Place, London SE1 8QH, or tel: 0171 620 0129. 

I am very pleased to say that we had a little bit of fame at last with a full page article on the Colour Reversal Club published in the new '35mm Photographer' magazine with four of the twelve colour slides from our members included, the ones that they chose were from members, Rita Pearle from Area 13, Sue Floyd, Ron Croad, and Glyn Willicombe all from Area 20, and very nice they were too! but I also wish to thank all members who sent me their slides for inclusion and also lets hope from it we have some new members added to our ranks. 

By the time you read this news the Show/AGM will be upon us, at present there are no extras to be added from the last Inter-news, but one thing I did not mention was that refreshments will be available at reasonable prices. 

Ending on a sad note, I was very sorry to hear that Bill Reid's daughter Sheila, passed away in early January after a long illness, Sheila has in the past helped out with the catering when we have had our meetings at Didcot, and I send the Club's condolences to Bill and his family on their sad loss.
                                                                                                                                                                          Best regards.


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