It was a great shame that only a few members managed to turn up for the AGM/Show, I suppose the weather did not help matters but it turned out to be a very enjoyable day, also having the new lecture room with full blackout facilities made Roger Parry's colour processing and printing demo a great success, but time ran out on us and unfortunately we did not have time to show any of our own members slides or even run the slide of the year competition, sincere apologies to members who brought slides for this. 

The main items covered at the meeting are in the minutes published elsewhere in this newsletter, the only added item to them, and I'm pleased to say that Sandra Craske is standing again as Treasurer for the coming year, "Many thanks Sandra for taking on this important task again"  also I was very pleased to hear that John Pearle has completed the chemical sales takeover, and he is now open for business,  "Many thanks also to John"  but I was very disappointed that not more members came forward to give their services as committee members or helpers the same old apathy seems to prevail again.

I told the members who were at the AGM the full story in every detail of the dispute between the NEC and the Area 22 co-ordinator and committee, I am sorry to say that at the end of the day the club lost 16 members who resigned, but not all of those members that resigned, did so over the dispute, I know of at least 5 who would have resigned anyway ie. age, ill health, and now lack of interest in photography, I hope now we can put this matter in the past and get on with making the Colour Reversal Club better, with this in mind, may I please have your ideas on the following. 

After what you have read in the recent newsletters, your thoughts for any changes for the Constitution.. next Years AGM and items for that day, other items that you would like to see in the Newsletter, ie Digital Imaging etc. Yours truly has recently upgraded to a new PC and I must admit although DI is not new to me, I have been interested in it for a few years but never had a PC with enough power to run the imaging programs, now I have, and prices seem still to be falling fast, so it is now software material I have to find, but this not as expensive as It sounds, as a few months ago whilst browsing in a large news agents I found the full version of 'Adobe PhotoDeluxe' attached to one of the computer magazines, with all its accessories ie 150 photos and 200 decorations, also after reading some of the experts review's on photo imaging software, it is an excellent program even at the full price of £88.13, so getting it for nothing it is even better for Pete. and I think it will do until the piggy  bank runs to the full version of 'Photoshop'! 

Before I finally leave this page, may I please remind you that if you have not paid your subs for this year, will you please send them to your area co-ordinator as soon as possible! 

Many thanks, all for now. 

Best regards, 


AGM & Open Meeting 98 Report Editorial CRCMain

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