Mr. Peter Guy, 13. Littlemoor Road, Ilford, Essex, 1G1 1XZ. Day. 0585-652184 Eve. 0181-478-5796

Dear Member,

With the months flying by, our AGM/Show is looming up very fast, and as you have read in the last newsletter, this years meeting has been arranged for Saturday 17th, April 1999, at Repton School, Repton, Derbyshire, I will be starting the meeting at 10.00am sharp, in order to get though the agenda as soon as possible, therefore the doors will be open from 9.00am, the sooner we get the club business over, the sooner we can get down to the main show event. This year we will only have the one hall, and it is the ‘Burnett Stuart’ Lecture Room, after last year, we felt that this hall best suited our needs, please look for our CRC signs as you enter the complex.

For those members who have not been to Repton before, it is a lovely old historic village if you arrive early, or why not make it a long weekend and bring the camera hopefully, if the weather is fine you may get some really good shots. Please do not think it is just a boring club business meeting, we do try our best to keep the club business as short as possible, but it is something that has to be done every year, and once we get the business out of the way (which is usually only about two hours) we then get down to the main entertainment of the day.

This year we have gone for something different, and we have David Spencer, from the Paterson Group giving us a very excellent insight into Digital Imaging. Yes I know that you will now be saying, “Not D.I. again” I’m not interested in these computer things, its not proper photography, give me that wet darkroom every-time” but please come along and meet this new technology head on, I am sure it will really open your eyes! I have recently spoken to David, and although he will give a basic intro into DI with camera’s etc. I have asked him to concentrate on importing and manipulating of 35mm slides, importing all the different formats, and to finish with scanning in and repairing damaged old black and white photo’s, which should be better tailored to our needs, and lets face it, DI camera lenses are crap! when compared to a good 35mm lens. A DI camera is something like, £200-£400 for 300,000 pixels, £800-£1000 for 960,000 pixels, and £2000 plus for 1,300,000 pixels. against a optical/silver/dye transparency at 20,000,000 pixels, you see why we are so much better off, so as CRC members and if we originate on real film in a proper camera but then with a slide scanned and manipulated, that great transparency spoiled by just with, say a parked car, or needing a little more lighting, and then after writing back to film for our AV show, we now have a very special extra tool for the darkroom, so please don’t miss this day, support your club and come along and see it happen for yourself, also if you have any problems, bring them along, also you may have some questions for David to answer!

Whilst we are still on the AGM, please note we still urgently want and need nominations for officers for the NEC and any views on the Constitution changes, as I have not received any gripes so far, you seem to be quite happy with the changes we have proposed. Also please note there are some minor changes to the catering arrangements from other years, this year we have a different caterer, and I think with cheaper prices, but as usual, tea and coffee will be available on your arrival, but if you require a lunch of sandwiches/pies etc. please give the caterer your order at arrival time, this way they will know exactly the number of lunches to make, and this keeps the cost down.

May I end this note with a personal request, have we any member who is a collector or interested in medals of the last world war? I have recently found my dads medals in the box as they were posted to him, but the ribbons are separate, and I don’t know which ribbon should go with which medal, there are only five in total so I could give you the details of both. If you can help please give me a call as I would like to mount and frame them. This is all for now, hope I see you at Repton,

                                                                                                                                                                                                    Best regards.

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