Well, here we are again. The News should reach you in one piece this time. I must also apologise for the very late appearance of the main part of the last issue. I'm not sure what all the problems were but the number of colour pictures and the need to send out copies to Area One Members direct conspired to make extra work which no doubt held things up somewhat. Thanks to Kevin and Sandra for sorting it all out.
The AGM is over but many matters remain unresolved. The minutes of the meeting have turned out somewhat longer than usual, but I think Bill has managed to fit them into this issue although the reports to members and the accounts might have to wait until next time. Several Committee Members did not seek re-election. We are all grateful to Brian Savage and Geoff Lowe and thank them for their work for the Club over many years. This is a good time for me, both personally and on behalf of all Members, to thank all the people who help run our Club - Area Co-ordinators, Committee Members, printers, folders, staplers, stickers of stamps and all. I did not stand as Secretary, but no nominations had been received prior to the meeting and nobody volunteered. I have agreed to continue for six months - until the end of October - the Committee will have to decide what action to take if no-one comes forward, but no Secretary means no Club - think about it.
Rita Pearle, who also did not seek re-election, agreed to continue for six months, Sandra Craske, Nick Williams, Bill Reid, Lawrence Edwards and Brian Asquith were all re-elected to their customary positions and we welcome Kevin Craske who joins the Committee.
The new Club name was not accepted. Instead we are to ask members to choose from the top ten suggested in the Questionnaire replies; a bit academic if we don't get a Secretary, but here goes. They are listed at the end of this piece. Please let me know - one choice per member - by whatever means is most convenient by August the 31st. There were reports on the film and chemicals operations. Both had seen a decline in
Activity. The message is clear USE IT OR LOSE IT.
We are sorry to lose the services of Alan Frame as Area One Co-ordinator. A CRC stalwart, Alan has had to curtail his activities for health reasons. Until someone else can be found to replace Alan, the CRC News will be sent to Area One Members direct.
Apart from the AGM proper, we were treated to a splendid AV by Kevin Craske, describing a visit to Disneyland - very impressive - a lot of care had clearly gone into it and it all worked very well. There were displays of prints from Derrick Forster and Mike Puttick, details and examples of do-it-yourself gadgets from Dennis O'Connor, the Brothers Deeming and The Pearles, also the recently introduced chemical PacKits. Margery and Kevin Maskell showed and described some of the prints which had helped them to gain their many photographic Distinctions. Food and drink a plenty was provided by Sandra Craske and Family. The Craskes also organised the venue, and very good it was, too. Thanks to them all.
What's In a Name?
The faithful few who braved the AGM did not agree with Club name chosen on the basis of the Questionnaire replies, instead it was decided to put the top suggestions to the Membership in a poll. This is it. The following names are the top nine actually, together with the most original of the many that were suggested once only. Some are only slight variations, but these seemed to be important to the suggestors. In some cases seemingly small differences are significant. For example, "image" or "images" means pictures generally, whereas "imaging" implies digital images, and particularly contrived images. So, for me, "image" or "images" is OK but "imaging" isn't quite right. Anyway, please let me have your votes, one per member, (I want your name and Area, too) for whichever name you feel most appropriate. The deadline is August 31st, 2001. Use whatever means is most convenient. The names are numbered purely for reference, so you can vote by number. If you don't vote I will assume that you want things to stay as they are. I have no idea how many of these names are already in use. Here we go…
1. Photographic Imaging Group.
2. The Photo Processing Club
3. The Home Photo Processing Society.
4. The Photo Image Club
5. The Photo Imaging Club.
6. The Home Processing Club
7. The Home Digital and Photo Processing Club.
8. Photographic Image Club
9. The Home Photo Processing Club.
10. Photo Nation.
11. Through The Lens Imaging Club.
12. The Post Exposure Club
PacKits are intended to help Members experiment with new formulæ, to make up a "one off" solution for a special project or to help those wishing to start processing for themselves. The usual CRC Chemicals service continues to supply your normal chemical needs.
There are too many possibilities to give a price list, but here are a few well known ones, Film Developer D76d is £1.13, PMK Pyro is £3.09, Non-Hardening Fixer F24 is £1.68, Print Developer D72 is £1.22 and D163 is £1.41. There's even a substitute for Xtol and, of course, Alan Greeley's Ultima at £1.09. For more information contact John Pearle.
Write to 1, Eldon Close, Colchester, Essex. CO4 3HA. or e-mail or telephone 01296 861604.