Configuring MIDI input Devices...

This is where you can select the divices that will drive your Miditzer. Your keyboard or organ. Click on the Yellow M in the upper left corner.  A menu will drop down.


Select MIDI Settings... to open a screen that allows you to select your input and output devices and configure the Miditzer.
We are going to look at the input devices at the moment.

The Miditzer will remember your selections so you only need to return to this screen if you want to change devices. We'll discuss the other settings later.

On the left you will see a box labelled "Input".  This lists the available devices that Miditzer has found.   Add the devices that you want to use to the Active MIDI input devices: on the right of the box.

At the bottom on the left you will find a list of "Claviers" which are the keyboards that Miditzer will use to play its notes. Solo is Miditzers upper keyboard and it will accept the note on/note off information on whatever channel you tell it to.  The channel number you use will be the channel that your organ or keyboard outputs on and you can find out that information in the manual for your organ or keyboard under MIDI specification.  For example, if the top manual (Solo) of your organ outputs a MIDI signal on channel 12 then you need to change the Miditzer channel for the Solo manual to 12 by right clicking on the channel and selecting channel 12.

Click OK to exit the Settings box and then test to see if Miditzer is accepting the devices output.

Base Camp
Last update 6 June 2005 Russ Ashworth

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