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The Möller console at the Capitol Theatre in Chambersburg, Pennsylvania,
with house organist Bob Eyer, Jr.

The Capitol Theatre in downtown Chambersburg, Pennsylvania is one of the few
theatres in the United States that have an original theatre organ
installation.  Moller Opus 4800, a three-manual, 14-rank instrument, was
factory installed in 1926 and was played daily until 1952 and periodically
after that.  

A complete restoration and enlargement, including the addition of a fourth
manual, was begun in 1989 by the Cumberland Valley Theatre Organ Society
(CVTOS), a chapter of the American Theatre Organ Society.  In 1993, the
organ was donated to the chapter by Gordon and Marlene Madison, owners at
the time of the Capitol Theatre and two of the founding members of CVTOS.
The Moller now is played regularly for community and CVTOS events at the
theatre, a restored jewel in its own right now used as a performing arts
center. Meanwhile, work by the chapter's organ crew continues toward the
goal to have 28 ranks playing to complete the organ.  

A fundraising drive has been ongoing for tax-deductible donations; CVTOS is
a Pennsylvania nonprofit corporation recognized by the Internal Revenue
Service as a section 501(c)(3) organization.  Also, Bob Eyer, Jr.'s recordings 
of the Moller, "Puttin' on the Pipes" (1996) and "A Capitol Christmas" (1998) 
are available, and all proceeds are earmarked for the organ.  "Pipes" was 
reviewed in the January/February 1997 issue of Theatre Organ, the journal of 
the American Theatre Organ Society. Support from friends of the theatre organ 
is most appreciated.  For information,  e-mail Bob Maney,  secretary, 
CVTOS, or contact:

Cumberland Valley Theatre Organ Society
PO Box 1237
Chambersburg, PA 17201-5237

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