The organ pictured here is Opus #1700 a 2/6
style "DX" Wurlitzer from the Grand Theatre in Malone, New York. Paul Grant from
Racine will be using the console from this organ. He bought the "Wurlygrin" that I had before from
me. I kept the 2/7 Wurlitzer console (Opus #1828) from the Sheboygan theatre
which is only 20 miles from here. The console is highly unified for 11 ranks and
has a complete electronic relay. It also is an identical scrolltop as the Grand.
I converted the entire Grand Wurlitzer to an electronic relay. The organ is
fully playable. The first DTOS social was held here June 11th, Gary Hanson from
the organ Piper in Milwaukee played.
Here is a sound file that I made
-The Sordid Tale of Gary's Organ
Here is the
new music room which measures 22'x43'x11'. The addition to the room
caused it to really become "Alive". The piano pictured plays along with
the organ.
Here is the
original Toy Counter. A Chrysoglott is located
just under
the Toy Counter.
The Piano
and Chamber Viewing Window are shown here. Also notice the Swell Shades above the Viewing
Window. With the shades overhead the sound is very much like being in a
Here is the
Glockenspiel and Xylophone. The 16' Diaphone is located just behind them.
Just barely visible to the
Left is on of the 16' Trumpets.
This is the Accompaniment
chest which is just behind the Viewing Window. The Pipe Chamber
measures 16'x24' with a
14' ceiling which really lets the sound build. The Concert Flute is first,
then the Salicional and
This is the Solo chest.
The Vox Humana is first, then Tibia and the Style "D" Trumpet.
The Post Horn and Clarinet
are on a Wurlitzer chest behind this one.
Here is the Bass Drum and
crash Cymbal. The Chimes are mounted underneath.
Located in the back of the
Music Room is a 1923 2 Manual and Pedal Estey Crank Reed Organ.
It may be played using the
crank or the Spencer Junior blower located next to the organ.

Inside Chamber #1

Inside Chamber #2